Posts in Union News
Major Union Victory!

On October 16, ten weeks after an arbitration hearing, an arbitrator ruled in favor of Local 328 on a termination grievance. The potential reinstatement of a wrongfully terminated member is a significant legal victory for our union. However, even more important is the reason why Local 328 won this case and what that means for our 7,000 represented employees.

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OHSU Asks to Open Budget Talks with Local 328

OHSU recently announced significant financial losses, with resulting pay cuts for faculty and unclassified employees. No cuts to our pay have been announced because it is not permissible for OHSU to impose unilateral actions with a financial impact to the terms of our contract without our union’s approval. OHSU approached union leadership today about opening budget talks, but the specifics of OHSU’s position are not yet known.

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COVID-19 Agreement Reached

This LOA includes temporary expanded telework options, review of vacation-accrual caps, a temporary moratorium on discipline for sick time for coronavirus illness or for absences due to circumstances beyond employee control, paid administrative leave for the quarantine period, protections for employees who are unable to use FMLA/OFLA and reasonable notice for staff redeployment.

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