Posts in Union Events
Black-Employee Listening Session Nov. 12

As a member-driven organization, it is our union’s responsibility to do a better job listening to the voices of our Black coworkers. To that end, we will hold an online listening session for black employees on Thursday, November 12, at 5:00 p.m. The Local 328 executive committee and Oregon AFSCME staff will be available during this session to listen and work to better understand the issues faced by Black employees at OHSU.

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COVID-19 Update #3: Information and Resources

This is an unprecedented time for all of us, including Local 328. One important thing for you to know is that our union is still working for you. We are actively reporting issues, filing grievances, representing workers and strategizing ways to deal with the COVID-19 crisis. We all have a lot of fear and anxiety right now -- please know that our union has your back and we will get through this together. In this post we are sharing news about upcoming events, common concerns that our members have raised about the COVID-19 crisis and how to best communicate with our union.

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