COVID-19 Update #6: News From Around the State

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Oregon AFSCME has made an effort to provide members with the latest information and news about resources for Oregon workers and the various letters of agreement and policies our union is negotiating with employers. If you have specific questions about OHSU or your worksite or individual situation, the SMART Center is here to help. There is now a specific form for COVID-19 reporting, which you can access by clicking here. You can also contact the SMART Center at (844) 758-6466 or

State Employee COVID-19 Pay: Last week, Oregon AFSCME submitted a COVID-19 pay proposal to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services on behalf of our corrections and state workers. Besides COVID-19 pay for front-line workers, this would apply to state workers still at worksites or those assigned to work with people with COVID-19. The state has indicated it is not willing to make any additional COVID-19 risk pay and declined Oregon AFSCME’s supplemental proposal. While we are disappointed with the state’s response, we will continue to fight to recognize the extreme burden being placed on these workers. We need to do more than just call these workers heroes. Our union is continuing to fight to provide Oregon workers with the equipment they need to stay safe and the pay and benefits they deserve for the work they do. Sign our #IAmEssential petition now and tell Governor Brown and your legislators that we need to do more for these workers.

Unemployment Resources: The Oregon Employment Department has put together an informative guide and series of videos to walk you through applying for unemployment benefits, help you determine if you qualify for unemployment benefits and show you how to fix an unemployment claim should there be issues. 

May 19 Primary Election: While other states across the nation work to administer their in-person primary elections, Oregonians are fortunate to have a robust mail-in voting system. Thinking toward the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, now more than ever, it’s important that we elect pro-worker candidates across the state in order to ensure the recovery focuses on workers’ issues. While our ability to vote shouldn’t be interrupted by COVID-19, election campaigns are about face-to-face contact, which social distancing makes all but impossible. With that in mind, Oregon AFSCME has put together a variety of volunteer opportunities that you can safely do from home. Email us to learn more.

CCPT Needs Our Help: For working parents of children too young for pre-K, child care is an essential service, since without access to child care, many parents would not be able to work and provide for their families. Unfortunately, like other caregiving workers, child-care providers are often overlooked and underpaid, which is now exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are seeing how women, especially women of color, are being left behind in efforts to bail out businesses and provide support for workers. Click here to find out how you can help protect Oregon’s child-care providers.

Volunteering and Receiving Support in Our Communities: Whether you want to volunteer or are in need of services, Oregon’s community organizations have been stepping up to provide vital assistance to communities in need. Volunteer opportunities and resources can be found here.

Oregon AFSCME in the News: