COVID-19 Update #5: Budget Impact

OHSU recently published an OHSU Now post regarding the budget impact of COVID-19. As stated in that article, without corrective actions, OHSU projects “a negative financial impact to our university of $200 million to $425 million over a 15 to 24 month period.” We know that many Local 328 members are worried about how OHSU’s financial challenges will affect our bargaining unit, and want to address those concerns.

Some OHSU executives have announced that they will forgo incentive pay and explore lowering their base pay. Changes for unclassified employees will likely be announced soon. ONA is currently in bargaining. What will happen to our bargaining unit is unknown at this time. It’s difficult to foresee a response that doesn’t include a reduction in FTE or in salaries, but it’s important to remember that our contract offers protections.

Until we have concrete information to share, we want to stress the importance of not spreading misinformation. Front-line supervisors or managers who tell AFSCME-represented employees that a specific action is certain to happen to our members are speaking prematurely (and we’d like their contact information). Stress levels are at an all-time high, and letting someone believe they’ll lose their job and livelihood is not justified.

We know that OHSU is considering options, and that we share certain interests. AFSCME Local 328 is a democratic organization, and decisions won’t be made by an individual in a back room. We’ll run things by the appropriate audience, and a diversity of thought and discussion will be welcomed. Whatever the proposed options are, they must be supported by a strong majority of our membership, or we won’t agree to them.

We expect to have actionable information within a couple of weeks. In the meantime, please let us know your thoughts and concerns in the comments. Please also talk to your coworkers about OHSU’s employee assistance program and our hardship fund. Times are tough, but we have your back.