It’s Survey Time!

Local 328’s mid-bargaining survey launched this morning! Please take the survey as soon as you can — member feedback at this stage of bargaining is vital to the decisions our union’s bargaining team will be making over the coming weeks.

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Celebrate Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May

Please join the OHSU Asian Pacific Islander ERG in the monthlong celebration of API Heritage Month in May! All events are open to people of all identities, and the majority of events are held on Webex or a similar platform. Events include a toy/book drive, a Japanese tea ceremony demonstration and a Chinese dulcimer performance.

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Local 328Comment
No Quit, All Fight

Our members have a choice: capitulate to suited executives who would drive us into poverty and further burnout, or fight them for every possible gain we can get in this contract. If we stand together — if we do not falter, factionalize or break — we will win.

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Local 328 Comments