It’s Survey Time!

Local 328’s mid-bargaining survey launched this morning!

Frustratingly, it was trapped by OHSU’s spam filter (which has caused issues for our union’s communications in the past). We’re working with ITG to fix the problem, but you can still take the survey in the meantime:

  • Option 1: Review your most recent Spam Digest emails. You’ll likely see an email from, with a subject line of “[EXTERNAL] AFSCME Local 328 Wants Your Opinion (Bargain Related).” Once you’ve found our message, click Release and Allow Sender and also click Not Spam. The survey email should then be released to your inbox.

  • Option 2: Take the survey here. The survey is open to dues-paying members only. (Responses from non-members, and duplicate responses, will be discarded.)

Please take the survey as soon as you can, and share the above information with your coworkers — member feedback at this stage of bargaining is vital to the decisions our union’s bargaining team will be making over the coming weeks.