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Layoff Information

July 1, 2024 - We have received indications that layoff notifications have begun. If you have received a notice, or are aware of layoffs impacting your department, please contact the Member Services Center at 1-844-758-6466 or Also, please become familiar with Appendix E - Severance Program.

We are working with the Labor Community Services Agency to prepare information sessions for those who have or will receive layoff notification:

June 18, 2024 - Last Friday, we all were notified by Danny Jacobs that “We expect conversations with impacted employees to begin the last week of June and/or early July.” - This vague indication of something that is so impactful, without providing more specific details of who will be affected, has resulted in many of us questioning our job security.

Our union has been working hard to get more vital information for our membership. There is an upcoming OHSU Public Finance & Audit Committee Meeting on Friday, June 21 from 9:00 - 11:00 am via Webex. The materials for this meeting are available here:

Of note, included in these materials is the following slide on page 40:

“373 FTEs are reductions in force, although these impact approximately 410 individual people (or headcount).” OHSU is choosing to balance their budget on the backs of the lowest-paid in our workforce, instead of addressing the root of the issue, the inflation of unreimbursed costs by a failing insurance system.

June 11, 2024 - It has been a few days since we have received word from OHSU President, Danny Jacobs about OHSU's intent to lay off at least 500 employees as part of their "Strategic Alignment update". Our Union AFSCME Local 328 stands in opposition of the choice OHSU leadership is making to enact these Lay-offs.

We understand and know that this news is distressing to say the very at least, especially as at this time there is a looming uncertainty on whether or not this will affect our work units, please know that as your union stewards, we are here to inform you of any changes as soon as we know, to help every worker in our work unit understand their contractual rights around these potential lay-offs, and to be available to be safe ears for everyone to voice their concerns.

Article 19 in our AFSCME 328 Contract goes over the Lay-Off process. We encourage every AFSCME Local 328-represented employee to read it over, even though we do not know if we will be affected.

In the coming days and weeks our union will be holding town halls and listening sessions to hear from our membership on your concerns around these lay-offs and other union wide issues. When we have the dates and times of these events we will be communicating them broadly.

Remember in this time of doubt and uncertainty, when we come together as a union, we are stronger than we could ever be as individuals, and that our solidarity together is our greatest asset.

Frequently Asked Questions

“I’ve received a layoff notice, what can our union do to help?” - Open a case in the Hub to discuss your rights with a steward. We are preparing information and a training on layoff rights, check back here for more information as it becomes available.

“Who has or will be receiving layoff notices?” - We presently do not have a list of employees or departments to be impacted.

“I want to submit a question not included here.” - Please use this form to submit your questions to Local 328 leadership: Local 328 Layoff Question Submission

More to follow.