Posts in Political Action
Count Every Vote!

Over the last four weeks, a record number of Americans cast their ballots. Their votes must be counted before any candidate declares victory. Our union will remain vigilant about what is happening and we recommend our members do so as well. To that end, we urge members to join the peaceful demonstrations being put on by the Defend Democracy Coalition—the first one is happening today, November 4.

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Broken Norms -- A Conservative Perspective

Anyone who has used #resistance on social media in the last four years can give you a list of things that Trump has done to trample on the rights of workers and the vulnerable. But what about the ways that he and his allies are breaking conservative norms? Just as we stand together when we demand fair wages and benefits, we need to stand together in this election. We may not agree on everything, but decency, integrity and honesty are values we can all rise up to defend.

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Vote in Support of OHSU's Missions

We need new federal leadership that will acknowledge that COVID-19 is still an immediate threat — that adherence to mask-wearing and social-distancing is the only way to get through this pandemic without extensive loss of life. Ignoring the virus and allowing for herd immunity will lead to hundreds of thousands more deaths. We can focus on vaccine and therapeutics development and production without losing focus on containment efforts. We need leadership that will help us restore our place in the world and unify Americans toward common causes.

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