Count Every Vote!

First and foremost, thank you to every Local 328 member who voted. Democracy, within our country and union, does not work without our participation. 

Over the last four weeks, a record number of Americans cast their ballots. Their votes must be counted before any candidate declares victory. Unfortunately, President Trump continues to put out misleading messages about the vote count, in an attempt to shape a false narrative about the election. Regardless of what the Trump campaign claims, it’s not unusual, much less problematic, for all the votes to be counted before a winner is officially declared. 

The media and our other institutions seem to be holding up against that pressure for now. We need to push back against it as well. It’ll be days before all the votes are counted. Even then, it’s expected that recounts will occur, and the courts may be brought into this fight as well. 

Our union will remain vigilant about what is happening and we recommend our members do so as well. To that end, we urge members to join the peaceful demonstrations being put on by the Defend Democracy Coalition—the first one is happening today, November 4.