Strike FAQ

Many of our members have been asking strike-related questions in recent weeks. We’ve prepared a comprehensive strike-related FAQ that we hope is helpful to our members.

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Local 328 Comments
Bargaining Timeline

As you may know, Local 328’s current contract with OHSU expires June 30. We’ve already posted about what that means, but we also want to explain the next steps under Oregon’s Public Employee Collective Bargaining Act. Many of you have asked about striking — although we’ve been bargaining for almost four months and the parties are still far apart on several important issues, there are many steps between where we are now (mediation) and a possible strike.

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We Rally in Three Days!

Join us on Thursday, June 30, to rally for a good contract! Now that we're in mediation, most of OHSU's movement at the table is going to be inspired by our members showing up and demanding it. The No. 1 way our members can make a difference at this stage of our union’s bargaining campaign is to make sure everyone knows about the rally and attends it in large numbers. A strong turnout is essential to show the employer that you’re willing to fight for what you need in this contract.

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Bargaining Update: June 21

While the parties are getting closer to agreement on many outstanding proposals, we remain very far apart on key economic proposals. In order to get OHSU to move toward our union’s positions, it’s imperative that our members turn out in force to upcoming actions this month.

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