Bargaining Update: June 28

Rally with us for a good contract on Thursday! Now that we're in mediation, most of OHSU's movement at the table is going to be inspired by our members showing up and demanding it. The best way you can make a difference right now is to attend this rally. A strong turnout is essential to show OHSU we’re willing to fight for what we need and deserve in this contract. Low numbers will show the employer that our members might settle for what the management team has proposed so far (e.g., across-the-board increases of 3.5%/3%/3%). Details and RSVP info can be found here. Please share the flyer with your coworkers and help us get a great turnout!

We didn’t meet with the mediator this week, so part of our team distributed swag and treats at worksites on the hill, at the waterfront and at the satellite clinics. The remaining team members stayed at the Oregon AFSCME office to receive proposals from management. We also met in subcommittees with OHSU to work on the LOA to bring OHSU scribes into the bargaining unit and on the MOU re: our task force on workplace mental-health support.

OHSU Counterproposals: OHSU withdrew its 5.29 Relief Employee proposal, which would have changed the structure of the availability requirement for relief employees. The management team proposed two packages today:

  • Discipline Package:

    • 23.1 Progressive Discipline: OHSU has made movement here, but the teams still differ on what disciplinary actions should be taken at the third step of progressive discipline.

    • 23.1.2 Suspension of Seniority Rights: Management wishes to retain this contract language.

    • 23.7 Limits on Pay Reductions: Management wishes to remove this language from the contract.

    • 24.1 Grievance Procedure: OHSU has made movement here, but there are still some issues to be resolved.

  • Flex Staff Package: Among other changes, OHSU reduced its proposed flex-staff availability requirement from 40 hours per four weeks to 24 hours, and proposed extending market-based adjustments to flex employees in certain circumstances. The employer wishes to retain current contract language regarding discipline and sick leave.

OHSU also presented the following non-packaged proposals:

  • 7.6 Meal Periods: OHSU accepted most of the language from Local 328’s last proposal. We’re close to agreement here.

  • 11.2 Holiday Compensation: We are close to agreement to changes to this language, which would base holiday pay on the employee’s FTE or actual average hours worked, whichever is greater.

  • 22.1.4 Shared Responsibility (Promotion of Development Opportunities): OHSU has made movement here and we hope to reach agreement soon.

  • MOU #UX14 Access to Computers and Time to Review Work-Related Communications: We’re close to agreement on this new MOU, which will help employees who don’t have desk jobs stay better informed and give them dedicated time to complete required trainings.

  • MOU re: Exit Interviews: OHSU has made movement here, but the teams still differ on whether the information should be made available to Local 328 (upon member approval).

Our contract expires on Thursday. In July our teams will be meeting in mediation more frequently, including three days in a row at the end of the month.