Family Medicine Research Opportunity

We are holding a series of focus groups where AFSCME-represented employees will help decide how a pilot program with community health workers should work and how to prove it is successful. Employees will be allowed to participate in the focus groups during their shifts without losing pay and will receive $45 for participating. If you would like to learn more about this research project and possibly be in a focus group, please complete the survey at the link.

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OHSU: Rejecting Opportunities to Help Employees Advance in Their Careers

In the fall of 2021, AFSCME’s Training Trust approached OHSU with a request to partner on a grant, with a goal to train 230 OHSU workers for roles as medical assistants, sterile-processing technicians, PAS specialists and information-technology staff. OHSU's response? It boiled down to “No thanks. We would rather not partner on this, even though it means we will help fewer employees advance in their careers.”

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