Committee Spotlight: Political Action

Being involved in politics as a union activist can help you, your family, your coworkers and other union members throughout Oregon. The basic concept of collective bargaining is that we are stronger together than we are as individuals — this concept applies to politics, too!

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Jen LaverdureComment
A System Designed to Fail

While it’s easy to point to OHSU’s current failings, the issues coming to light now actually go back decades; OHSU’s leaders have consistently ignored the problems that employees — especially marginalized employees — have faced through the years. Now, OHSU’s leaders have paid $6.5 million to have Eric Holder’s firm tell them what employees could have told them for free if they had bothered to listen.

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TJ Acena Comment
Car Thefts and Vandalism Update

Last month, our union reported on a rash of car thefts and vandalism at OHSU. Local 328 leadership held a follow-up meeting with OHSU Public Safety and HR leadership last week. At this meeting, OHSU agreed to implement several steps to help curb the problem.

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Jeff VogtComment
Caring for the Caregivers

As much as many parts of our world seem to be acting as if we’re “post-COVID,” that’s not what the majority of our coworkers experience in their day-to-day work. The disruptions, the stress, the understaffing and all of the other pandemic stresses we have felt and continue to feel can take their toll on even the strongest amongst us. If you’re struggling with the weight of two past two years, you’re not alone.

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Jesse Miller Comments