“United for Our Future”

Ed. Note: The nomination period has been extended through 5 p.m. on Monday, March 15.

Oregon AFSCME’s biennial convention is around the corner! From Friday, April 28, through Sunday, April 30, hundreds of AFSCME members from around the state will come together at the Salem Convention Center in downtown Salem to plan our statewide union’s future. This year’s convention theme is “United for Our Future.”

The convention delegation is the governing body of our statewide union and it convenes every two years to make decisions about how our union is governed, the strategies and tactics we use to organize and how we go about building power for our members and working people across Oregon. 

Local 328 will send up to 15 delegates to convention, carrying our roughly 5,900 votes within AFSCME. If you are interested in joining the convention delegation, nominations will be open for a week starting at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, March 1 — just click on the NOMINATIONS tab to submit your nomination. The election to choose our delegation will be open for a week, starting at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, March 29.

Oregon AFSCME’s biennial convention offers members a chance to get involved with our union at a statewide level and be part of the decision-making process within our union. It is also a great way to build solidarity across local unions. 

Ross GramiComment