Support the PWU Bargaining Team: Send OHSU Executives a Message!

OHSU profits off of your taxpayer dollars. The innovative cures that OHSU provides to Oregonians are a result of the groundbreaking discoveries coming from biomedical research. The 235 Postdoc researchers are among working scientists behind those discoveries who have brought in $600 million dollars in federal funding to OHSU. As the Postdocs bargain their first contract aiming at addressing the well-documented global crisis in the recruitment and retention of postdoc researchers and immigration support for the foreign workers who make up 52% of their members. OHSU has only responded with ZERO COST proposals and with the message “OHSU is not willing to pay for postdocs” and “Research and Innovation is an OHSU mission, but OHSU does not intend to support all their missions equally.”

Time we tell OHSU to “PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE.”

>> Support the PWU bargaining team - send OHSU executives a message <<

In solidarity,

Postdoc Workers United