The Importance of Solidarity In Bargaining and Contract Protection

Recently, PostDoc Workers United reached their first four year contract agreement with OHSU. To my knowledge, during bargaining with PostDoc Workers United, OHSU continually offered a 0% increase above NIH standards, while repeatedly making claims of poverty and that there was not enough money to offer a fair and just contract. Yet, eventually, somehow, miraculously, OHSU was able to eventually muster the financial ability to agree to a 6% cost of living raise in year 1, and 3.5% raises in years 2 through 4 of the contract. 

Why does OHSU seem to ignore social determinants of health during contract negotiations with unions at OHSU? OHSU is Oregon’s only public academic health center. Executive leadership has no excuse for ignoring how fair wages and benefits impact the physical and emotional well-being of employees. 

The more full-fledged (dues-paying) union members we have going into contract negotiations next year, the stronger we will be when we negotiate for a fair and just contract for 2025 - 2028. Additionally, the more Local 328 members we have (out of all AFSCME-represented, “classified” employees), the better we can defend our contract and stand together. 

As a mechanism to help ensure our Local 328 contract and rights are protected, all union members are provided the right to union representation if a manager or supervisor is attempting to investigate an employee in a way that could lead to discipline or termination.

Increasing and maintaining solidarity, union involvement, and full membership numbers in our union helps us secure a better contract with OHSU, ensures our contract is adhered to by OHSU administrators and management, and ensures resources are available so that we can hold OHSU accountable for respecting our contract and treating us all fairly. Hopefully, OHSU culture will truly shift to one in which both the OHSU administration's words and actions are aligned in a way that authentically shows a desire for all workers to be treated fairly, thrive, and enjoy a living wage. Hopefully, the OHSU administration will approach bargaining in a way that is generous, reasonable, ethical, and wise. Know your Weingarten Rights, and do what you can to help our union be strong, unified, and ready for bargaining in 2025.