Over-the-Limit VAC Bank

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Local 328 negotiated a letter of agreement outlining several special provisions, including temporarily lifting the cap on vacation accruals. During the height of the pandemic, employees who reached the contractual cap of 300 VAC hours were allowed to continue accruing hours, acknowledging the fact that pandemic-related staffing shortages could make it difficult to take vacation. Any VAC hours accrued over the cap were kept in an over-the-limit bank.  

As of December 19, 2022, the 300-hour VAC cap is back in effect and employees are no longer accruing over-the-limit hours into the special bank. This means that (a) if you’re currently at the cap, you will no longer accrue VAC hours until you drop below the cap and (b) if you accrued VAC hours into the over-the-limit bank, you’ll need to use those hours up this year.

If you’ve never been close to the VAC cap, this change doesn’t affect you. If you do have an over-the-limit VAC bank, however, you can check the balance on your pay stub. These hours will need to be transferred into your regular VAC bank before December 17 in order for you to use them and not lose them.

To transfer hours from your over-the-limit bank to your regular VAC bank, complete this short Smartsheet form (click the option to log in with your company credentials) or email paycheck@ohsu.edu. Check the balance in your regular VAC bank first, and make sure the number of hours you’re transferring won’t put you back at or near the cap. You may submit multiple transfer requests over the course of the year to make sure all of your over-the-limit VAC hours get transferred.

If you have questions, please email paycheck@ohsu.edu.

Jennifer Barker7 Comments