More Calls for Change at OHSU

OHSU’s Women in Academic Health & Medicine Committee joins the growing group of internal organizations demanding swift, decisive and lasting change following the sexual-misconduct lawsuit against OHSU that came to light last weekend.

Employees from every sector of OHSU are expressing their frustration and disappointment with the administration and their solidarity with survivors this week. We hope that OHSU’s senior leadership sees this as a chance to move forward with a broad mandate to make OHSU the place we all know it can be.

We encourage you to read, comment on and share WAHM’s statement below.

Women in Academic Health and Medicine Statement on Gender, Sexual and Racial Harassment and Assault

OHSU’s Women in Academic Health & Medicine Committee unequivocally stands against all forms of gender harassment, sexual misconduct, racial harassment and any type of discrimination against all protected classes. 

As with most cases of sexual harassment, sexual assault and any other form of discrimination and mistreatment, we recognize legal cases are complex and confidential. However, our position is clear: we support survivors. OHSU must enforce a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment and discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability and other protected classes.

Harassment in academic medicine continues to be all too frequent. Compared to other science fields, academic medicine had the highest incidence of gender and sexual harassment. Gender, sexual and racial harassment are also highly prevalent at OHSU. In the 2018/2019 AAEO Climate Survey, 31% of respondents reported they personally experienced sexual misconduct, while 15% personally experienced discriminatory behavior. Additionally, individuals at OHSU may experience multiple, compounding forms of harassment or discrimination, and in many cases harassment, assault and discrimination are never reported. The scope of the problem at OHSU is much larger than a single isolated event.

The case reported in the Sunday media is also not about an individual, though individuals are certainly impacted. It is about an organization. It is about OHSU creating a climate where everyone is safe, respected, included, valued and empowered to do their best work as a student, staff or faculty. Gender harassment, sexual misconduct and any type of discrimination or harassment is antithetical to these values.

We stand for respect, equity, social justice and a safe environment.

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual or racial harassment or assault, we recommend the following confidential resource: Confidential Advocacy Program. It provides a breadth of confidential services to survivors, including emotional support, safety planning and assistance navigating reporting (if desired).



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