Labor Day Picnic

Hello Union Siblings,

Monday, September 2nd is Labor day, and the Northwest Oregon Labor Council is hosting a picnic and craft fair at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds from 11am to 4pm. AFSCME Local 328 has sponsored 100 tickets to the event that will be given out on a first come, first serve basis at the entrance.

Any member of our local is welcome to attend and may bring up to 5 additional family members as well that can use our Local 328 sponsored tickets, you will just need to check in with our AFSCME local rep at the entrance. If the AFSCME tickets run out you are still welcome to attend, the entrance fee is 15 dollars.

The event will have local artists, makers, farmers, and others selling wares. It will also have local representatives, candidates for offices, and lots of other Union siblings!

Hope to see you all there to celebrate Labor day with us!

Sean BovettComment