Important June Bargaining Events

With our contract expiring at the end of the month — and the Local 328 and OHSU bargaining teams still far from agreement on most proposals — now is the time to show OHSU our strength! Our union has planned a number of events for June, culminating in a rally at the end of the month. Additional information will be made available as soon as possible, but we wanted to get the basics to our members as soon as possible. Feel free to share the flyer with coworkers.

  • Town Halls: We’ll be holding two in-person town halls (with virtual option) in mid-June for you to learn the latest bargaining news. Refreshments will be served.

    • Wednesday, June 15

    • Mac Hall 1162 (classroom/auditorium near Mac cafeteria) or Webex (links will be emailed)

    • 12 - 1 p.m. and 6 - 7 p.m.

  • March on the Boss: You may have seen an OHSU Now post about Dr. Jacobs’ upcoming office hours. We encourage our members to attend on the same date — wearing green or your AFSCME swag — and provide feedback about our contract negotiations or other matters that affect you as a union member. REGISTER HERE.

    • Thursday, June 16

    • Baird Hall 1011

    • 1:45 p.m. (We’ll meet at the the Mac Hall Fountain and head over together.)

  • Green Out the Board: If you’ve been at OHSU for a while, you may remember this successful event from our 2019 bargaining campaign. Wear green or your AFSCME swag to observe the OHSU board of directors meeting and let the employer know you’re engaged and paying attention. REGISTER HERE.

    • Friday, June 24

    • RLSB 3A001 (South Waterfront, next to School of Dentistry)

    • 12:45 p.m. (We’ll meet at the tram at 12:45 p.m. and march over to the meeting together at 1 p.m. — the meeting starts at 1:15 p.m.)

  • Drop-in Meeting: Bargaining-team member Karyn Trivette will be hosting a drop-in session on campus to answer questions and listen to member feedback.

    • Saturday, June 25

    • Location TBD

    • 9 - 11 a.m.

  • “Invest in Us” Rally: This is the big one — a fun event that will be one of the best tools we have, short of a strike, to show OHSU that our members stand together and support our union. Your participation will help ensure our ability to win a good contract that reflects your value to the employer as well as today’s economic reality! We’ll share additional details soon; in the meantime, you can read our pre- and post-rally blog posts from 2019 for a sense of what this event will be like. REGISTER HERE.

    • Marquam Hill

    • Thursday, June 30

    • 4 - 6 p.m.

Please join us for as many of these events as you can!