Hear from Candidates for Oregon’s Governor

— guest post by Joe Baessler, associate director of Oregon AFSCME Council 75 —

Every member of Oregon AFSCME is impacted by the Oregon state government. State workers negotiate their contract with the state and local governments get much of their funding from the state, and the same goes for the nonprofits and others we represent. Without the input of those like you, who do the work, our elected officials would make decisions that affect you and your job in a vacuum — that is, unless workers engage in the political process. Politicians will not stop making decisions about your job and your life if we decide we no longer want to engage in politics.

Part of making sure your voice is heard in the legislative process is to work to elect candidates who support our members and will work to make their jobs, their lives and the lives of their families better. The Oregon AFSCME executive-board members elected by you and your coworkers don’t make decisions about whom to support without your input. All political-candidate interviews are open to all members and all members have a voice in those decisions!

Probably the most important endorsement we can make is for Oregon’s governor. We have already started that process, even before the primary election in May, and interviewed multiple candidates running for governor. (You can see the videos here). The board decided that it was best to wait until after the primary to make an endorsement, however. We are now inviting the remaining gubernatorial candidates who wish to participate in our process to meet with our political-action committee on Friday, June 24, starting at 6 p.m., to talk to the PAC about how they will handle the pressing issues our members are facing now and how we can work together over the next four years. And we want you to attend!

Register now to attend Oregon AFSCME’s June 24 PAC meeting and hear from the candidates themselves! Please make sure to register ahead of time for this important meeting. If you have any questions, you may email Jen Laverdure, the chair of the Local 328 political-action committee.

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