Local 328 Bargaining Team Election Nominees & Statements

The following are statements for the Local 328 Bargaining Team Election. This is to vote for for the Local 328 Bargaining Team. There are 13 bargaining team spots to vote for. Choose your 13 preferred candidates out of 34 total candidates. Local 328 makes no endorsement of candidates. Go to the Local 328 Hub to vote starting at 8AM on Monday July 8, 2024.

The nominees and submitted candidate statements for the Local 328 bargaining team are as follows.

  1. Sean Bovett

  2. Dinah Gilbert

  3. Mia Osborne

  4. David Casey

  5. Kathy Le

  6. Eric Buzzard

  7. AJ Cummings

  8. Siran Abtin

  9. Chelsea Rohrer

  10. Michelle Loftus

  11. Noel Walker

  12. Kelly Collins

  13. Jennifer Roemer

  14. Jesse Miller

  15. Alyssa Ledesma

  16. Tabatha Millican

  17. Sarah Curtis

  18. Jorge Peat

  19. Mattew Deneff

  20. Becca Walcher

  21. Alma Moliona

  22. Jaclyn Brunette Foruria

  23. Juan Chavez Jr.

  24. Brianna O'Loughlin

  25. David Lee

  26. Shawn Pierre

  27. Roxana Logsdon

  28. Joe Granucci

  29. Curran David Rodriguez

  30. Kelsey Greer

  31. Brenda Marin

  32. Emily Haug

  33. Amanda Bergman

  34. Mark Chapman

Sean Bovett
Hello Union Members. My name is Sean Bovett and I ask for your vote to be elected to the bargaining team for the 2025 session.

As the Communications Chair for the Union I have seen first hand how desperately our members need their voice heard. I have seen how our employer views our labor, listened as they treated our complaints as noise, and dismissed our concerns. I have acted on behalf of our Union as a Steward, an Investigative Steward, and a Lead Steward to give voice to our members. I now ask for your vote to join the bargaining team to make sure we bring back a contract that we can all be proud of.

I cannot guarantee that everything we want will be in our contract if elected but what I can assure you is that I will do everything in my power, day in and day out, to ensure our contract contains what is most important to you, our members. I will fight to ensure it has reasonable wages so you can support your family. I will fight so that it has protections for our most vulnerable members. I will fight so that you are treated with the respect you deserve, and I will not stop until we have in writing what is most important.

My fellow Union members I ask for your vote so I may fight on your behalf for what we deserve, for bread and roses. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dinah Gilbert 

My name is Dinah Gilbert and I am thrilled to be nominated for the 2025 Bargaining Team.

I have been an OHSU employee and proud member of Local 328 since 1998, nearly 26 years!

In my current role at OHSU, I work closely with all our staff and leadership teams which gives me a wide perspective of the triumphs and challenges we face on the day-to-day. I am well versed in our AFSCME contract and OHSU policies. I assist our staff in navigating their experience here at OHSU, including timekeeping, understanding benefit and leave options, how to advance careers, exploring wellness opportunities, familiarizing with the Center for Diversity & Inclusion and our Inclusive Language guide, and much much more.

I want all of us to have a positive employment and union experience. I’m ready to get more involved with our union to help strengthen our numbers, presence, and voice. If elected the Bargaining Team, I look forward to continuing to do these things.

Mia Osborne

Becoming a member of the bargaining committee would mark a pivotal moment in my journey with our union. Having also recently become a union steward, I can leverage years of experience gained navigating upper-level management dynamics previously within a Fortune 200 company. Throughout my career, I've honed negotiation skills and a deep understanding of corporate operations, equipping me to advocate effectively for our collective interests. 

My passion for this opportunity extends beyond traditional contract negotiations. While I am

committed to fighting for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions across the board, my primary focus lies in holding OHSU accountable for workplace safety. It is crucial that safety standards are not brushed off, but enshrined in our contract, ensuring robust protections for our members.

Having been a safety specialist, I’ve witnessed firsthand how corners can be cut in the name of expediency or cost-saving measures, often at the expense of employee welfare. By embedding stringent safety protocols directly into our bargaining agreements, we empower ourselves to demand and maintain a workplace where safety is non-negotiable—a workplace that prioritizes the well-being of its workforce above all else.

As a member of the bargaining committee, I pledge to uphold these principles steadfastly, leveraging my experience to help the bargaining committee craft a contract that not only protects our rights but also reflect our collective commitment to a safer, more secure workplace environment. Together, we can ensure that OHSU upholds their responsibilities to us, their employees, in every facet of our working lives.

David Casey 

My name is David Casey, and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC III). Since early 2016, I have been working in the Department of Family Medicine (DFM). Advocacy and issues of social justice and equity are foundational to everything I do as a Social Worker.

While I have not held an elected position with AFSCME, I have actively participated in several formal and informal roles with AFSCME and the Social Work Council. I firmly believe in the power of unity—when we stand strong together, we all benefit. This belief is why I have always been involved with our Union to the best of my ability.

Given the current economic environment at OHSU, we are likely facing one of the most challenging bargaining cycles to date. Layoffs, budget cuts, and threats to our healthcare benefits are impacting every department. Now, more than ever, we need a strong bargaining team to represent the diverse needs of our membership. Our last bargaining team secured the best contract we’ve ever had, and we must aim to achieve that again.

While I may not know if I am the best candidate for the bargaining team, I am confident in my strengths. As a Military Veteran and a Social Worker, I possess strong communication skills and unwavering commitment to my values. If selected, I would be a staunch and tenacious advocate for our Union.

Endorsed by: Jennie Olson, Jennifer Laverdue

Kathy Le

I believe in the power of collective bargaining to improve working conditions, secure fair wages, and ensure a safe and respectful workplace for all. 

With 2.5 years of experience as a pharmacist at our institution, I have gained an understanding of the challenges we face and concerns of our diverse membership. I have demonstrated my commitment to our union’s values through active participation in meetings, events, and supporting fellow members. 

If elected, my priorities include: 

  1. Fair Compensation: Ensuring that all members receive equitable wages that reflect their invaluable contributions. I will fight for raises that keep up with the cost of living and recognize the hard work we put in daily.

  2. Workplace Safety: Advocating for enhanced safety protocols and resources. A safe work environment is a fundamental right, and I will work to ensure that our concerns are heard and addressed.

  3. Health and Wellness: Promoting comprehensive benefits to support physical, mental, and emotional well-being of all members. Access to quality care and programs is essential for a productive and healthy workforce. 

  4. Professional Development: Supporting opportunities for career advancement and professional growth. I will push for programs and resources that help us develop new skills and advance careers.

  5. Transparency: Committing to open and honest communication with all members throughout the bargaining process, ensuring that our collective voice is heard and respected. 

I humbly ask for your support and vote to join the Local 328 Bargaining Team.  

Thank you for your consideration. 

Eric Buzzard 

My name is Eric Buzzard and I have been a member of AFSCME 328 since 2016. Since that time, I have been an active participant in calls to action during contract negotiations and a vocal advocate of our union rights within Facilities until becoming a steward in 2022.

I am sure many of you have heard about the benefit cuts that OHSU leadership has handed down to us. If they are willing to this before we even meet at the bargaining table, imagine what they’re drawing up in anticipation of contract negotiations.

OHSU can find millions and millions of dollars to spend on buildings and bonuses but not on us?

That is simply unacceptable.

I am running for election to the bargaining team to ensure that AFSCME members get what they are owed. I will fight any and every cut to our current contract because you deserve more not less. You have earned more. And I will make sure that you get more.

Thank you for your consideration. 

AJ Cummings 

Hey Everyone!

My name is AJ Cummings I am a PAS in the outpatient laboratory. I am running to be a part of the bargaining team because I felt that some of the language in our current contract has simply been too vague to be actionable. With no deadlines for response on concerns with our managers me and some coworkers have felt stonewalled waiting for responses from our supervisors. I want to help everyone’s voice be heard so that we can have the protections in place to make our workplace work for us.

Siran Abtin 

My name is Siran Abtin, and I have been at OHSU since 2016.  I am a senior analyst in ITG BIAA.  I have had the honor of serving on the board of the Women’s Employee Resource Group in FY 23 as the Outreach Coordinator and FY 24 as the Chair.    

The ERGs were faced with unprecedented challenges during the past fiscal year.  There were a lot of organizational changes as well as a lack of leadership support.  These difficulties prompted the ERG leaders to collaborate even more and be each other’s support system.    Together, we became the voice of the people.  We fought the disbanding of domestic partner healthcare coverage.  Within one meeting with OHSU executives, we were able to recover that coverage. 

Being part of the ERGs has truly given me purpose.  I see that my work and efforts have meaning and can hopefully positively impact the lives of OHSU employees. 

I have stepped down from the ERG leadership board, not to stop fighting, but to continue the good work hopefully within the AFSCME bargaining team.  Since I am still an ERG member, I am deeply embedded in the OHSU community.   We are experiencing a very difficult and uncertain time.  To the best of my abilities, I will strive to ensure AFSCME members have fair and equitable healthcare coverage, and any other need that is not being met.   The future is uncertain for all of us, but I am optimistic that we can make it a better place.   

Chelsea Rohrer 

Since joining OHSU in 2022, it has been a privilege to learn about how a strong bargaining team can serve its members. If I am elected to our bargaining team, I plan to fight to maximize member pay, benefits, and making member voices heard. I believe I am a good candidate for this position due to my professional strengths technical writing and presentation building, public speaking and communication, and leadership of groups of many different sizes and makeups. My personal qualities that would benefit the bargaining team include being analytical and detail oriented, being a resourceful and creative “fixer” of issues small and large, as well as working coolly under pressure, as evidenced by my career as an emergency medicine clinical pharmacist. As a newer member, I logistically have the time and bandwidth to take on the requirements of this position. I would be proud to join our bargaining team and appreciate your consideration!

Michelle Loftus

I am honored to be nominated as a candidate for our Union bargaining team. Together, we have the power to create a workplace where every member feels valued, secure, and respected. As a member of the 2025 bargaining team, I will passionately advocate for the betterment of all our members.

Throughout my time at OHSU, I have gained valuable experience working in various roles, from a Cook 2 in Food and Nutrition to my current position as a PAS-R in Ambulatory Access. Additionally, I have proudly served on the Labor Management Committee and as a Union steward for the past few years. These roles have provided me with the opportunity to collaborate closely with my Union colleagues across many areas, equipping me with a unique and comprehensive perspective to bring to the bargaining table.

As healthcare professionals, our roles are not only demanding but also vital to the well-being of our community. We deserve a supportive environment that acknowledges our contributions and ensures our well-being. I humbly ask for your support in electing me to the 2025 bargaining team. Together, we can create a better, more equitable workplace for all.

Noel Walker 

My Name is Noel Walker and I am running for the 2025 AFSCME Local 328 Bargaining Team. I have been at OHSU for twelve years, as a Business Intelligence Developer for the Revenue Cycle. Prior to OHSU, I worked at a physician owned healthcare system for nine years. I have analyzed both our OHSU not-for-profit institution and a shareholder/profit driven system. We need to up our fight for our employees on the front lines and support staff, not just rewarding a select few, who are acting as if they have invested in OHSU and should expect a substantial return.

As a full-time remote worker, I promise to represent those outside Portland. I am in the unique position to attend campus events but live far enough from the Metro area to not have local opportunities.

I joined the Employee Benefits Council this year as an AFSCME representative and am witnessing first-hand how are benefits dollars are being squeezed. We’ve seen several presentations of how OHSU is struggling the last few years, but are we getting the whole picture? My background in data presentation provides a skill to see through what is shared, and to know when to ask for more information.

This year’s bargaining team needs to be able to sift through the data given to us and see a clear financial picture. I feel that I am uniquely qualified to analyze the data management will be presenting, and maintain integrity and fairness in the negotiations.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kelly James Collins 

I don't have relevant experience that qualifies me for this position, but that being said there is a large population of our union who aren't qualified or educated enough to advocate for themselves. I would like to be part of this bargaining committee to give those of us a voice who are unheard, neglected and voiceless. I feel as a CNA I have been completely neglected by this committee. CNAs are completely taken advantage of neglected and overlooked, we deserve to be represented we deserve to be advocated for we deserve to be acknowledged for how hard our jobs are.

There are positions in this hospital that get paid equal or more than the CNA's, that don't require the education and state licenses that are a requirement for being a CNA.  We are the backbone of patient care. We are constantly put in unsafe situations, we are abused by patients, nurses and doctors and get nothing in return. Your committee doesn't acknowledge how hard we work, how difficult our job is and frankly we feel like you could care less about us.

We deserve a voice, we deserve better pay, we deserve to be in a safe work environment and we deserve to be acknowledged for the care we provide to patients and how difficult our jobs are. Just because we don't have bachelor's degrees or master's degrees doesn't mean we can be taken advantage of. The new staffing law that was passed has been completely sidestepped by the hospital [end of 250 word limit]

Jennifer Roemer 

Hello fellow members of Local 328. My name is Jenn Roemer and I work as a Respiratory Therapist at OHSU. Whether at work or not, I truly believe in the dignity and right to self-determination of ALL people, including represented members of Local 328. Prior to becoming an RT, I was an attorney. I spent a brief portion of my tenure at OHSU as a member of management but found that role did not align well with my values and returned to a staff position. My lived experience has made me an unapologetic fighter, and my loyalty to ethical principles is immovable. I intend on bringing all of this to the table during bargaining, because we need OHSU to stop prioritizing quarterly profits over patient care and employee wellbeing. I hope you will consider me as your representative on the bargaining team. If chosen, I promise to listen to your needs/wants and to advocate zealously on your behalf. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Jesse Miller 

I’m Jesse Miller and I’ve been a PAS in Outpatient Rehab Services since 2016. I’m currently a lead steward and serve on the Internal Communications, DEIJ, and Organizing Committees. I was part of the 2022 bargaining team and have previously served on the executive board as an at-large member and as Internal Communications Chair.

In 2019, while I was on lost time assisting the bargaining team with communications, I was one of the people directly responsible for catching our former Vice President of Human Resources and another member of management’s bargaining team trolling our union on social media. As a member of the 2022 bargaining team, I was the primary architect of our language protecting members from harassment, discrimination, and violence. I pushed heavily for our paid bereavement leave and wrote the language that allows us to use accruals in the case of a natural disaster or other public emergency.

2025’s bargaining is likely to be the most difficult campaign in our union’s history and we need a team that balances experience with fresh ideas, that will not accept the status quo, and that will dig in their heels and push back against any attempts to make us give away our hard-earned rights and progress. We need a team that will look management in the eye and tell them, “No.” Who won’t back down until you ask us to. Give me that team and we’ll change the face of OHSU for everyone who works here now and in the future.

Alyssa Ledesma
My name is Alyssa Ledesma, and I teach chest and pelvic exams at OHSU. I am passionate about teaching healthcare professionals to provide safe, empowering, patient-centered, and trauma-informed exams. I lead a team of 20 Sensitive Exam Teaching Associates and am a certified Trauma Informed Care trainer. As Chair of the Association of Standardized Patient Educators GTA-MUTA Special Interest Group and President-Elect for the International GTA MUTA Association, I help develop and promote best practices in the healthcare field. I have been a member of AFSCME Local 328 since 2021.

Recently, I went through a grievance process with the union to advocate for fair pay for myself and my team. This experience taught me the steps to successfully negotiate a case and highlighted the necessity of union support in fighting for equity and members’; rights. I am deeply grateful for the amazing team of union representatives who supported us through months of negotiations.

I was nominated and endorsed by Jennie Olson to  run for the bargaining team. As a member of the bargaining team, my goal is to leverage my experience to help others on a larger scale. With a solid understanding of the negotiating process and years of advocacy and leadership experience, I believe I can bring valuable insights to the table. I am a fierce advocate for the fair treatment of all people and would sincerely appreciate your vote.

Tabatha Millican

Vote for me, Tabatha Millican!

Im a financial analyst whose been been working at OHSU for five years, although I’ve been working since I was a teen. I’ve been a steward for a few years, most recently focusing on understanding the contract and writing grievances.  

My aim for the next contract is to ensure a fair deal for everyone, with a particular emphasis on improving conditions for those who are currently the worst off.  I intend to facilitate regular communication between the bargaining team and the membership, so that the workers know how talks are going, and the negotiators know what the workers' concerns are. My candidacy has been endorsed by Jennie Olson.

Sarah Curtis
As the Chief Steward, my primary role is the defense of our contract. Being a member of the bargaining team is vitally important to my role. The unwritten part of the contract- the context and intent of the language when it is created- is what I spend the vast majority of my time enforcing when the employer and the union disagree over how the language is being applied. For this reason, it is essential to be present for the process.

In my role as Chief Steward, I feel the struggles of our members firsthand every day. I know the parts of the contract that need to be strengthened in order to best serve our members. While the exact priorities will be determined by the bargaining survey of our membership, I can assure you I will vigorously fight for higher wages, better healthcare benefits, protection from discrimination and harassment, and a better work/life balance for all.

My previous union experience includes being Vice President, a member of the 2022 Bargaining Team, as well as serving as a delegate of our local at the state and international conventions. I take my role as a leader of our union very seriously. I feel personally responsible for the welfare of our members and care very deeply about the matters that affect them. It’s very important to me to have a seat at the table in this fight, so I am asking for your vote to represent our union on this bargaining team. Thank you.

Jorge Peat 

I have been a CNA at OHSU for 3 years, and have been an at-large member of the Local 328 Executive Board since October of 2023. My goal is to advocate for the many smaller, isolated, or specific groups in our union who may feel under-represented/under-supported by current contract language or lack thereof. My perspective and expertise lies with our clinical staff and patient-facing professionals, but there are many under-represented groups that face challenges accessing our union and being heard that need their voices amplified. I intend to bring this goal to the bargaining table, while not allowing OHSU to continue to diminish the needs of our union’s many intersecting communities. 

I strive to represent us authentically, as someone who wholeheartedly believes in the critical importance of many bargaining priorities, such as:

  • increasing wages—accounting for the rising cost of living and rising competitive wages offered by other employers, to support and retain our talented and knowledgeable staff

  • protecting our benefits and increases to meet our needs like PTO, sick time, childcare, insurance, transportation, and more

  • wellness benefits that are relevant to our members and their needs

  • cultivating and expanding educational and professional paths—creating opportunities to grow, gain new skills, and advance positions

  • additional protections/support for underserved, oppressed, or minority members facing unjust/unfair treatment

  • addressing the need for transparency, accountability, and equity regarding top-level management and administration staff’s resources, compensation, benefits, and decision making processes

  • and so many more

Thank you for considering me for our bargaining team!

Matthew Deneff 

My name is Matthew Deneff and I have been a pharmacist with OHSU for three years. This is my first union-represented role, and I feel fortunate to be spoken for by a group so dedicated to its members. Last December, I became a union steward to be more involved in advocacy for my fellow members. Now, I am running to represent Local 328 as part of the 2025 contract bargaining team.

If chosen to bargain on behalf of the union, I will strive to be a strong, reasonable, and thorough advocate. Our workers deserve a contract that benefits and supports all. I will promote decisions based on data and facts and will not accept poorly developed proposals that could be detrimental our workers. Additionally, I will help articulate the language of this contract in the clearest and most organized way possible, with the goal of unequivocally enabling our members to stand against unjust and unsafe practices through clear contractual provisions.

I am eager to serve on the bargaining team and work towards securing the best possible contract for all.

Becca Walcher 

I have been a Local 328 steward at the West Campus since late 2020, starting off the role within the Clinical Medicine Unit and expanding to all but two units at this campus. Recently, I extended my role to investigatory and grievance steward work: both are such important and rewarding roles as I wholeheartedly want everyone to be treated fairly.

Our hard-won contract needs to be protected against getting stripped down and I want to fight for better health benefits, among other things that would provide us protection both in and out of the job. It is important to ensure that every member’s voice is heard and that includes people at my site: West Campus. It would be wonderful to have that chance through your vote to have me on the bargaining team.

Election ChairComment