Bargaining Update: May 31

Bargaining Survey: If you haven’t yet done so, please take our bargaining survey before 5 p.m. on Monday, June 6. Member feedback is critical to the decisions our union’s bargaining team will be making over the coming weeks.

Convention Delegation: And if you haven’t yet voted for the members of our delegation to the AFSCME 45th International Convention, you can learn more about the vote here.

We met with OHSU’s team briefly at the end of the day to receive proposals from the employer. In addition to two new tentative agreements, OHSU gave us counterproposals (with some movement) on: 8.6 Upward Adjustments,18.3 Non-Temporary Transfer to Separate Location, 20.1.4 Termination During Probationary Period, 20.2.1 Internal Job Change Evaluation Period and 23.6 Unauthorized Absences.

Our bargaining team spent today as a work day, strategizing about next steps as the expiration of our current contract draws near, writing language for outstanding counterproposals and planning events for the coming months. We want to take this opportunity to let you know what’s been agreed to so far and what’s still in play.

Tentative Agreements: We’ve reached TAs on several dozen sections of the contract, including the following:

  • 1.1 Recognition: moving campus dispatchers to a separate bargaining unit in Local 328

  • 2.9 - 2.9.3 Use of Employer’s Email/Union Communications: easing restrictions on our use of OHSU’s email system to communicate with members

  • 5.20 Preferential Hire List: adding timeframes for employee and employer responses

  • 12.7.1 VAC Donation Pool Eligibility: allowing members to be eligible for donations sooner

  • 28.4 Labor-Management Committee Funding: increasing annual funding of the LMC (including the Career and Workforce Enhancement Center) by 5% each year

  • MOU #10 Hardship Fund: renewing OHSU’s funding of our hardship fund at a rate of $100,000 for each year of our contract

The full list of TAs can be found here.

Waiting for OHSU Response: The majority of the outstanding proposals are in OHSU’s court right now, in part due to our union’s return of the employer’s 65-page package proposal, including language re:

  • Across-the-board pay increases

  • Child-care assistance

  • DEI and harassment/discrimination

  • Differentials (including preceptor pay)

  • Discipline

  • Education/training initiatives

  • Holidays, vacation accruals and sick time

  • Longevity rate and retention bonuses

  • On-call

  • Paid family leave

  • Reclassifications

  • Salaried employees

  • Telework (no response to date)

The full list can be found here.

Waiting for Local 328 Response: Local 328 needs to respond to a number of OHSU proposals, including:

  • 2 Union Provisions (including steward-program language)

  • 6.13 Contracting Out

  • 7.6 Meal Periods

  • 7.11 Clean-Up Time

  • 23.1 Progressive Discipline

  • 27.7 Exposure to Serious Communicable Disease

  • MOU re: Exit Interviews

  • OHSU’s flex-staff package

The full list can be found here.

Let us know in the comments if you have any questions, and stay tuned in the coming weeks for information about events, member actions, what happens when our current contract expires and more!