Bargaining Update: August 23

Today was a work day for both teams. Our team spent our time preparing counterproposals that weren’t included in yesterday’s supposal, discussing OHSU’s most recent economic proposal and doing other prep work for our next mediation session. The teams will meet in mediation again on Friday, Aug. 26, in one more push to reach a contract settlement at the bargaining table.

We’re working on updating our wage-comparison/strike calculator to reflect OHSU’s most recent ATB proposal. We’ll post it here as soon as possible (likely tomorrow).

We’re pleased to share the news that East Multnomah County Uniserv (all local education unions in East Multnomah County) has endorsed a statement of support for our bargaining effort and our members.

If you haven’t yet voted in our strike vote, you may do so here. Voting closes at 9 a.m. on Friday. 

Various strike-vote resources can be found here.

Click here to view an updated list of all tentative agreements reached to date.

If you want to review past bargaining updates, they’re all linked here.

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