Bargaining Update: August 16

Strike Vote Starts Wednesday Morning: Our strike vote opens at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 17, and runs through 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25. To vote online, click here at any time during the voting period. In-person voting locations — plus other information about the vote — can be found here. The bargaining teams will meet in person for the first time at a long-awaited mediation session on Friday, Aug. 19. We would love to have a strong turnout in the strike vote before we start the session.

Please check out the below resources to assist you with making your decision in the strike vote:

  • Strike-Vote Forum: We’re holding another Zoom forum for members tomorrow, Aug. 17, from 12 – 1 p.m. If you haven’t yet registered, you can do so here. Join us and ask questions regarding the strike vote and striking itself.

  • ATB Comparison and Strike Calculator: We’ve prepared an Excel spreadsheet to calculate how Local 328’s and OHSU’s current across-the-board wage proposals will affect employees; you can also see how much a potential strike would cost you vs. how much you stand to gain from the across-the-board raises. Click here to download the spreadsheet.

  • Updated Side-by-Side Comparison: Click here to view the most current version of our proposal side-by-side comparison flyer to see where the parties stand after today’s bargaining session.

Note: If the membership votes yes in the strike vote, it doesn’t mean that a strike will definitely take place — it means that our bargaining team is authorized to call a strike if necessary.

AFSCME Counterproposals: Our union’s team proposed the following today:

  • Clean-up Time Package: We reproposed this package without OHSU’s added language re: khakis and polo shirts.

  • DEI Package: We responded to OHSU’s counterproposal with changes to clarify some definitions and strengthen the language around discrimination and harassment protections. We also reproposed the collection of demographic information and continue to propose the two new floating holidays. Click here and here to view our DEI counterproposals.

  • Discipline/Grievance Package: We reproposed this package, adding back our language re: pre-grievance investigations involving complaints of discrimination or harassment.

  • Flex Package: We reproposed this package without OHSU’s added language re: flex-staff availability.

  • Remote-Work Package: We reproposed this package with minor changes.

OHSU Counterproposals: The management team responded to our proposals, presenting counterproposals on clean-up time, discipline/grievances and remote work. We’re very close to agreement in these areas.

Tentative Agreements: We reached three tentative agreements today:

  • Article 2 (Union Provisions) Package

  • Contracting-Out Package

  • 8.11 Overpayments and Underpayments

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