AURN Workers Authorized a Voted to Authorize a Strike. What Does That Mean for Us?

Below is an FAQ regarding ONA/AURN’s recent strike authorization, and how it could potentially impact our members. If you have additional questions after reviewing this information, please ask in the comments

Q: What is a strike?  

A: A strike is a mass work stoppage by employees, used at times to prevent an employer from forcing a bad contract on employees. Typically, a strike is used as a last resort, when all other options have been exhausted. For a union to go on strike, a strong majority of its membership must support the strike. A strike is usually reserved for when an employer is being especially unfair and unreasonable with its demands and conditions. Unions get their power from their members’ willingness to withhold their labor.

Right now, AURN has authorized their bargaining team to call a strike should they find it necessary. This does not necessarily mean a strike will happen.

AURN will have to give a 10-day notice before they can actually walk out on strike, so we will know in advance before there is an actual strike.

Q: If ONA calls a strike, do I join them? 

A: No. While all OHSU workers will benefit from AURN’s contract wins, non-AURN represented employees (that’s us!) do NOT have the legal or contractual protections to join AURN in a strike. However, we should still join our fellow workers of AURN on the picket line outside our working hours to show our support!

Q: If my work is impacted by an ONA strike, what can happen to me?

A: We expect that if ONA members go out on strike, there will be large impacts to our membership: Entire work units may be closed, work consolidated, modified operations declared, elective surgeries canceled, and other downstream impacts. 

Q. If I am asked to do work outside of my regular duties to cover for the striking nurses, am I obligated to do this work?

A: If you believe you are being asked to perform tasks outside of your usual duties as a result of the strike authorization, please contact our Member Services Center at 844-758-6466 for guidance. Be mindful to avoid insubordination before you get union guidance.

Q: If OHSU declares “modified operations”, what can happen to me?

A: If modified operations are declared, AFSCME employees who are not designated as critical function/essential workers may have their shifts canceled. Should shifts be canceled, the order in which they’re canceled will still follow what is outlined in the contract (section 19.11.1: Order of Curtailment/Cancellation). Alternatively, if there is a need for extra work, the rules around offering overtime and assigning mandatory overtime also still apply (section 9.1.4 Scheduling and assignment of overtime). 

Q: How else can I show solidarity with ONA?

A:  Comment on their social media pages, spread the word to your colleagues, wear union swag proudly (T-shirts, buttons, badge pulls), and attend their rallies, pickets and other actions! 

To keep up with the latest AURN bargaining news, visit their blog here.

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