A Failure of Leadership

--guest post by Karen Andersen, Local 328 member—

When I was first asked to share my on the upcoming presidential election, I decided I would share some examples of how President Trump’s leadership has undermined our country and our unions. After the first presidential debate on September 29, I, like many, needed some time to pause and reflect on the dysfunction and utter lack of civility that masqueraded as a debate. Then, on October 2, a news alert came across my phone: “President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.”

Like many Americans, I was disturbed by the news that the President had fallen ill with this deadly virus. I was not, however, surprised. President Trump has consistently ignored the recommendations of epidemiologists, medical professionals and national security advisors. Just days earlier, he openly mocked former Vice President Biden for wearing a mask during public events. He rejected a nationwide mask mandate. His own White House staff are not mandated to wear masks while on duty, despite CDC guidelines to do so whenever you are with someone who is not a household member.

On September 26, President Trump held an event in the White House Rose Garden to unveil his Supreme Court nominee. Many of those in attendance did not wear masks; social distancing was not followed. At least 12 people who attended that event have tested positive for COVID-19. President Trump himself went on to attend a fundraising event despite knowing he had been exposed to the coronavirus and could potentially be infected. These reckless decisions have endangered the health of countless officials, reporters, staff and others who have had contact with the President and his staff.  

We are nine months into a deadly pandemic. We have seen small businesses closed, schools shuttered and unemployment levels soar due to the actions — and inaction — of the Trump administration. This failure of leadership has cost the lives of almost 222,000 Americans.    

In less than two weeks we have the opportunity to elect a new President. One who will listen to scientists and experts. One who will lead by example and not claim this deadly virus will “just disappear.” One who will not give us false promises of a vaccine being “weeks away.” In less than two weeks we can start the process of rebuilding our nation. We can only do this if you vote on November 3 and help end this national nightmare.