Picket with Us for a Fair Contract

 This week, our union will hold our first-ever informational picket! RSVP to our Facebook event or our Evite to let us know you'll join us on Thursday, August 8, to fight for a fair contract!DetailsThe picket is not a strike; rather, it’s a tool to show support for our union’s position at the bargaining table and to help make the public aware of our campaign for a fair contract. Here are the details:

  • Thursday, August 8, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., starting at the Mac Hall lawn.
  • Speakers at 4:00 p.m.; picketing/march at 4:20 p.m.
  • Water and snacks will be provided.
  • Family, community members and supportive coworkers are encouraged to attend!
  • Picket signs and chant sheets will be provided.
  • Picket route: along SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, between the intersection of SW Veterans Hospital Rd and SW Gibbs St and the Kohler bus stop (or Shriners Hospital, depending on turnout).

This is a historic time for our union. It’s not an exaggeration to say that an effective picket will have an impact for years — on employees today and on those yet to be hired. We are fighting for a fair contract now and we are building power for our next contract negotiations. We are stronger together!Why Should I Attend?OHSU is watching. A strong turnout shows that our bargaining team has the broad support of our membership, and that our membership is not willing to settle for a substandard contract. By taking collective action, we command respect and will demonstrate that we’re united. There is no question that our member actions at the June rally and at the OHSU board meeting moved the needle and helped prevent health-insurance take-backs. This event will be a final push to encourage OHSU to make additional movement at the table, to reach agreement on a fair contract without having to resort to a strike. A successful, well-attended informational picket also sends a message to the public about how important our work is — that OHSU works because we do.Do’s and Don’tsPlease remember that we will be representing our union on the picket line — we want to have a fun event that builds solitary and doesn’t threaten support for our contract efforts. Below are some guidelines that will help us have a safe and effective picket:

  • Do wear green!
  • Do take public transportation if possible.
  • Do be courteous and respectful — be mindful of patients, drivers, etc.
  • Do follow the directions of our picket captains.
  • Do participate in the chants.
  • Do march in two-by-two formation.
  • Do stay on the designated march route.
  • Do report any threats or suspicious activity.
  • Do clean up after each other.
  • Do have fun!
  • Don’t block the access of emergency vehicles or others.
  • Don’t block parking structure/lot entrances.
  • Don’t make noise in the designated quiet zones.
  • Don’t use profanity.
  • Don’t intimidate anyone or make threats.
  • Don’t smoke, drink alcohol or use cannabis on the picket line.
  • Don’t argue with anyone — direct them to union staff or officers.
  • Don’t litter or damage property.
  • Don’t get overheated (it’ll be ~80 degrees) — let us know if you start feeling unwell.

What If I Don’t Work on Campus?We understand that our members who work off campus and around the state want to participate in collective actions too! Although the picket was planned for this time and location to maximize visibility and impact to OHSU, there are still ways to show support if you’re unable to attend. Wear green the day of the picket. Decorate your work area (if allowed) with union stickers or signs. Have a potluck together on Thursday or go to lunch with your AFSCME coworkers. Take selfies and post them to our Facebook page!