Meme Contest Has Begun

 Bargaining is a stressful time — this year in particular. Our team has turned to humor to get through some of our long bargaining sessions. With that in mind, we wanted to turn to our member’s creativity to participate in our meme contest! The picket signs folks made last month were amazing, and we have no doubt the memes will be, too. Making a meme yourself is very simple. Many of you already have a favorite meme-generating app, but there are two free options for those who don’t: MS Paint and PS Express.We’ve selected five blank slates for memes and are asking our members to use them to create their funniest meme(s) about OHSU bargaining. We will collect the best memes and share them on social media, with some being featured on signs at our informational picket on August 8. Remember, we’re asking folks to be funny, not rude or mean, and remember OHSU’s Code of Conduct.

  1. Select your meme template here.
  2. Create your meme using one of the two methods below or your favorite meme generator.
    • MS Paint: This comes installed on almost every Windows PC. All you need to do is download the blank meme and use the Text tool to add your message to the image. Just add your text in the color, font and at the size you need. (You can change the text color so it stands out from the background.
    • PS Express: If you want to make your meme on your phone, this app is safe and easy to use — it’s available on the iOS, Android and Windows app stores. Simply save the blank meme image to your phone, open it in PS Express and scroll over to the Text option in the edit options at the bottom of the screen. Next, select the Text option you think works best and add your text.
  3. Save your image and email it to <AFSCMemes at gmail dot com> to submit it for the contest!

If you’d like instructions with screenshots for the above methods, just let us know and we’ll send you a PDF.