Executive-Board Candidate Statements

It’s almost time to vote to ratify our new contract! The ratification vote will take place online from 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 1, through 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 8. However, your contract-ratification vote isn’t the only important vote our union is asking you to make during the voting period. We will also be electing the 2019-2021 Local 328 executive board during this time.

We have a record number of candidates running, resulting in a number of contested seats. The board members will manage our union’s operations for the next two years — your vote in this election is important! We will also be selecting delegates for the fall Oregon AFL-CIO convention in this election. All three of these votes can be cast at the same time.Submitted candidate statements (unedited) are posted below, listed by office in the order received. (Additional candidates are running--the full list can be found in the comments below.) Please review the statements prior to casting your vote.

Candidates for 2019-2021 Local 328 Executive Board

*Secretary*Jennifer Barker

I’m running for re-election as our union’s recording secretary. One of the key duties of this position is taking minutes for the executive-board/-committee meetings. When I first ran for this office four years ago, I mentioned in my candidate statement that love taking minutes—I still do!

More importantly, I understand the importance of working as a team to make decisions, of communicating clear information to our represented employees, and of being a conscientious steward of our members’ dues money. I look forward to continuing to serve our union in this way.

During bargaining this year, our membership was the most active I’ve seen in more than 20 years at OHSU, and it shows in the good contract we were able to negotiate. I’m excited to work with a new, energized executive board in 2019-2021 to keep our members engaged with our union in order to build strength for our next contract campaign.

*Treasurer*Claire Irvan

I’ve worked at OHSU for 18 years. My first ten years at OHSU were spent working in the outpatient clinics, starting on the hill and then at CHH when it first opened. I joined the Centralized Managed Care Department in 2012 where I am currently the Financial Coordinator for Pediatric and Adult Bone Marrow Transplant.

To offer you a sense of who I am I have served as unit steward, lead steward, been on the market based wage committee and was part of the 2019 contract bargaining team. I’m a numbers person and a long-range planner. I brought myself out of debt working a 32 hour week while raising two small children and my personal household budget is currently built out to April 2020. I am co-developing a wealth building principles training, the premise of which is to help others get out of debt while creating wealth for self and family.

I enjoy spending time with my young adult sons going to the movies and challenging each other playing board games. My personal hobbies include hiking and reading - I’m a huge literacy advocate. I travel when I can and serve on a variety of committees including PBOT’s Fixing Our Street Oversight Committee which oversees the spending of millions of tax dollars being used to fix streets, sidewalks and intersections throughout the city.

It would be an honor to serve as treasurer for our Union -       AFSCME Local 328. Vote Claire Irvan for treasurer.

*Chief Steward*Haley Wolford

I have been serving as Chief Steward of our local since January of this year. My goal continues to be providing the best possible support and representation for AFSCME members. The new contract has broadened the range of concerns that can be reported directly to our union for investigation—I am excited to have been a part of the bargaining team that made this possible and I feel confident that my experience will benefit members seeking help. I am also proud to represent my coworkers at the West Campus within union leadership. It has been a successful year, a wild ride to be sure, and I am energized by the involvement of all of you! Please help me to continue the work I am doing with the Steward Program by voting for me as Chief.

Endorsed by Matt Hilton, Jennifer Barker, and Casey Parr.

*Education and Training Chair*

Theresia Lloyd-Siemer

I am asking for your vote for the Education &Training Chair

I have been at OHSU since Nov 1998. I work nights as a HUC in the NICU, where I have been for almost 21 yrs. As soon as I could I got active as a steward, on the Executive Board.

The positions that I have held at the local level:

• Trustee for Council 75

• Diversity Chair

• Community Liaison

• Steward & Unit steward

• Delegate to SWW Central Labor Council

• Delegate to NOLC

• Currently the Education & Training Chair

Positions I hold at Council 75 Level:

• I’m currently the Chair of Council 75’s Women’s Committee

• I’m currently a Trustee for Council 75

I’m running for the Education & Training Chair.

I’m the current Education & Training chair and have been for 2 terms. I love helping our members to learn more about the Labor movement, by sending them to classes that will help them understand more about why unions are important now and into the future. I also love doing the Labor Day Picnic. And have been for the last 8 years. It is just one of the many things that our union does for our member.

Thank you for your support and considering me once again for this position.

Molly Clasen

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” I am running for the education and training chair on the AFSCME e-board because I want my fellow AFSCME members to have access to affordable education so we can change our OHSU community for the better.

As a unit steward and the CWE Center’s program and outreach coordinator, I have seen firsthand how education can help our membership develop valuable skills, accomplish their dreams and serve others less fortunate. I am committed to fostering a culture of growth and learning for our diverse, talented membership. My goals include:

• Sharing information about training and education opportunities

• Publicizing scholarships

• Creating an education-specific e-newsletter

• Listening to your feedback and serving your learning goals


Thank you for considering me for this position. I am excited to hear your educational goals and help make them into realities.

Endorsed by Jennifer Barker, Haley Wolford, and Matt Hilton.

*Internal Communications Chair*

Angela Javens


I am a Certified Medical Assistant here in Vascular Surgery. I have been an employee here at OHSU for 3 years.

I am running for Internal Communications for AFSCME Local 328. I joined AFSCME upon being hired and have continued to become more and more involved in the past 2 years. I was able to attend both the Women’s Conference in March of 2018 and just returned from AFL-CIO union Summer School at the beginning of August where I attended a class on how to Organize Our Internal Members. How to get people excited on what is going on within our union and how to get people more involved.

I believe communication is the upmost importance not just within an organization, but for all in our community. The more we know the more empowered we are. I would like to help build a broader communication system with details of not only the generic information regarding our union, but hopefully bring out more detailed information regarding the current grievances we have filed and where they stand at the time being. I am hoping this will help empower those who are fearful of the process or of management retaliating. I have been that person and have finally found my voice to take on the upper ups.

I am proud to be an AFSCME member and proud to strengthen our union with information.

I look forward to serving all of you.


Jesse Miller

My name is Jesse Miller and I’m running for Internal Communications Chair so that I can continue the work I’ve been doing since I began running the majority of Local 328’s social media in January. During that time, we’ve seen a more than 10% growth in our followers and I was instrumental in catching members of OHSU management using made up identities to spread misinformation and undermine our union in the midst of an already stressful contract negotiation.

Coverage of this story can be found in Willamette Week, Portland Business Journal, and NW Labor Press.

I look forward to continuing to bring truth to light, educating and engaging our members, and helping to foster a platform where we can support each other and connect with the larger labor community.

I carry the endorsement of Matt Hilton and Jennifer Barker. I work as a Patient Access Specialist for Outpatient Rehabilitation, I’m a current member of the Executive Board for Local 328 and Council 75, and serve as a lead, investigatory, and unit steward. I appreciate your consideration.

*Building Manager*Mark Chapman

I nominated myself for the position of Local 328 Building Manager for the following reasons:

1) OHSU has been my employer for 25 years. 

2) I have 11 years experience as a Research and Academic Zone Building Technician

3) I find the opportunity to serve the organisation and membership of AFSCME alluring 

If you find my reasons for self nomination compelling, please vote for me.

*At-Large Member*

Brandy Goldsbury

I’m a medical assistant 2(CMA/ AAMA) in Pediatric Surgery in the surgical specialties dept. I have worked at OHSU for the last 6.5years. I am running for a member at large position because I want to share information with my union brothers and sisters I find so many members do not know what is going on between OHSU and AFSCME. I believe knowledge will make our members stronger, I feel it is time for me to take a hand on approach, be actively part of what is going on and share information I acquire with other 328 members.

Shane Brown

If i'm elected as a board member of our local 328 I intend to fight for the needs of our union member. We need to be treated fairly and equitably by OHSU and I will do everything within my power to insure that happens. With the new Employee advisory council we will have a strong position to hold Danny Jacobs and the rest of executive management accountable for our issues and concerns. My other main focus will be staffing and using the new twice yearly meeting with OHSU we can work toward making sure we work with appropriate staffing levels in every area our work. With this new contract we will have some great opportunities to make all of our working lives better and I would love to be a part of this bright future for all of us in OUR union AFSCME Local 328!

Roger Clark

I am running for an At Large Executive Board position. I have spent the last several months serving on the bargaining team for AFSCME. This has been a huge commitment, but a very satisfying one. After the 2015 contract I attempted to become a unit steward, but our work group already had one, so I continued to be active in our group in understanding and educating others on Union issues. After serving on the bargaining team I can no longer sit on the sidelines. I was told at the beginning of bargaining that union activism would hook me and pull me into future activities. I am so glad that it has. I have been able to participate in many fulfilling activities such as Lobby Day in Salem, multiple member outreach events, and of course, solidarity events including the Rally and Informational Picket. I would like to continue my activism by serving Our Union on the Executive Board. I want to continue to speak up for our diverse membership, and I want to continue to grow our amazing steward program (I will become one thanks to new contract language). After such great success with our hard work on the bargaining team, I’m encouraged to bring that hard work and dedication to the Executive Board. Please vote for me, you won’t be disappointed!

I am endorsed by the following members: Matt Hilton, Michael Stewart, Jennifer Barker, Casey Parr, Karyn Trivette, Kasey    Zimmer-Stucky, Jim Cherveny, Cassie Barton

Casey Parr

I have been a respiratory therapist for 11 years, the last 9 of which have been here at OHSU.  I recently had the opportunity to proudly serve on the 2019 AFSCME Local 328 bargaining team.  While I’m pleased with the contract we negotiated, the scandals that tainted the bargaining process are evidence of how much work still needs to be done.  In the last several years, I’ve seen OHSU shift its focus from serving the community, to serving its executives.  I’m running for an at-large position on the AFSCME executive board so that I can continue to serve OHSU employees, and by extension, the community for which they serve.

Endorsed by Matt Hilton, Michael Stewart, Jennifer Barker, Kasey Zimmer-Stucky, Roger Clark, Karyn Trivette, Jesse Miller, Jim Cherveny, Claire Irvan, Haley Wolford, Mike Bandy, and Cassie Barton.

Karri Garaventa

Hi, I’m a Hematology/Oncology admin coordinator and Local 328 board member since February 2019. I found that serving as an at-large board member was a positive and empowering addition to my role as a unit steward. Given the opportunity, I would like to continue in this role to help represent my colleagues in Hematology/Oncology, the South Waterfront, and administrative roles as a whole. This has been a very busy year of bargaining and other very impactful activity between OHSU and AFSCME Local 328 – I myself became more active than ever before, and recognize that the work continues. I’ll appreciate your vote to remain on the board as one more voice to work to keep our membership strong.

Kasey Zimmer-Stucky

I am a Sonographer at OHSU and have been an active AFSCME member since 2016, as a Unit Steward and most recently, a member of the 2019 AFSCME bargaining team. My involvement in AFSCME stems from my desire to ensure that all employees at OHSU are treated with respect, and as equals, regardless of their job description or education. Over the last year, I believe that AFSCME members have felt more like a community than ever before because they felt like their opinion mattered. It’s that sense of community that got us a great contract that was long overdue and much deserved. Being elected to the Executive Board would allow me continue to ensure that all members are treated fairly and are given a chance to be included in the conversations that effect us all. Thanks for your support!

Endorsed by:

• Johanna Meier-Ultrasound Technologist

• Casey Parr- Respiratory Therapist

• Roger Clark-Pharmacist

• Cassie Barton-Pharmacist

• Karyn Trivette-Physical Therapist

Cassie Barton

I would like to serve on the Executive Board because I believe I can make a difference for our members. I first got involved with our Union because my workgroup had no steward, and we needed management to hear our voices. During my four years as unit steward I have seen just how impactful our actions can be. Working with my colleagues and Union staff, we have been able to address serious departmental issues with consensus agreements for fair vacation scheduling and letters of agreement for fair payment of work for salaried employees.

The recent contract negotiations have reminded me of why I began my work as a steward. We need our voices to be heard, and if we want change we must all step up and make it. We demanded a fair contract, and with hard work and organization, we now have one. Specifically for my department, and all salaried employees, we have won back basic protections including quartile pay progression and the guarantee of meal/rest breaks.

I want to continue to fight for what is fair and what is right, not just for my department, but for our Union as a whole. I am known for my hard work, effectiveness, compassion, and willingness to speak up when something is wrong, even if my stance is unpopular at the time. I believe I am an ideal candidate for this position and promise to fight to affect meaningful change for the good of all AFSCME employees.

I am endorsed by: Roger Clark, Casey Parr, Karyn Trivette, Kasey Zimmer-Stucky, Jim Cherveny

Jamie Roberts

I have been board member 12 at large since October of 2017 and I am looking to start unit steward training in the near future. I have enjoyed being a part of the executive board and have learned a lot about how our local helps our members and the importance of having a union. I have continued to volunteer anywhere I am able and attend as many trainings as I am available for so that I learn as much as I can to help our members stay active. I would like to continue to grow in my role on the executive board and ask for your vote to help me do so.

Roxana Logsdon

I am currently on the Executive Board, at large position 4, and I am running for re-election. I have been at OHSU for almost 11 years now and have been active in the Union for 3 years. I am continually learning more about our strong union leadership and would like to continue to do so. I am asking for your vote to help me continue to learn and help our union stay strong.

Thank you for your consideration,

Roxana Logsdon

Executive Board Member, At-Large Position 4

Eli Shannon

In the two years that I have been at OHSU, I have tried to be involved with AFSCME as much as I can. As a Unit Steward The bargaining experience has been very educational for me. I believe that a strong Local 328 means a strong labor movement throughout Portland, and beyond. I have previous Board experience from working at Alberta Cooperative Grocery in my role as Board Link. I helped plan Co-op Board Meetings, Board Retreats, and Strategic Planning sessions, as well as prepared staff reports to the Board. I have extensive experience in meeting facilitation and consensus decision making. I look forward to growing my footprint within Local 328 and thank you for the nomination. Solidarity!

Candidates for 2019 Oregon AFL-CIO Convention Delegate

Theresia Lloyd-Siemer

I am asking for your vote to be one of the Delegates to the Oregon ALF-CIO Convention in Sept 2019

I have been at OHSU since Nov 1998. I work nights as a HUC in the NICU, where I have been for almost 21 yrs. As soon as I could I got active as a steward, on the Executive Board.

The positions that I have held at the local level:

• Trustee for Council 75

• Diversity Chair

• Community Liaison

• Steward & Unit steward

• Delegate to SWW Central Labor Council

• Delegate to NOLC

• Currently the Education & Training Chair

Positions I hold at Council 75 Level:

• I’m currently the Chair of Council 75’s Women’s Committee

• I’m currently a Trustee for Council 75

I’m running for the Education & Training Chair.

I have been to 4 of the Oregon AFL-CIO conventions in 20 yrs. that I have been an active member of our local union. I love inter acting with and making to connections with likeminded members of other unions. As union members we need to stick together.

Thank you for your considering me as a delegate to the 2019 Oregon AFL-CIO Convention.

Jamie Roberts

I have wholeheartedly enjoyed my time being a part of this union since I joined the executive board in October of 2017. I learned so much at last year’s convention that I would love to be a part of this year’s as these conventions are such a vital part of union activism. I have functioned as a unit steward in my work unit, I attended the rally and picket for a fair contract, I have seen what a force of energized members can do and I will work to help our members stay active. I feel that since local 328 is one of the biggest locals in the state, that it is important to have a mixture of very experienced activists and those of us that are still learning. Please vote for me!

Michael Stewart

I running to represent our local at the AFL-CIO convention. I view the convention as an opportunity to share with other locals and unions how we were able to energize our members to an unprecedented level of activism which was vital to our ability to get the best contract in recent memory. This new model of member run contract bargaining I believe is important to keeping membership high in the age of Janus. I humbly ask for your vote. Thank you.

In Solidarity

Michael Stewart