Membership Engagement Matters

Union membership is so important. It doesn’t just mean revenue to help our union pay for resources, trainings, bargaining support and more, but it also shows our union’s strength. OHSU knows how many employees in our bargaining unit pay dues, and takes note of it during bargaining especially. If our membership numbers are high, it means people are paying attention and are willing to stand up and fight for a better contract.

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Local 328 Comments
Bargaining Update: April 19

As the deadline to submit new proposals draws closer, both bargaining teams presented a high volume of new proposals and counterproposals. Our union’s proposals included an expansion of preceptor pay, higher premium pay for mandatory overtime, increased education/training hours and more. OHSU’s proposals included a definition of “business day” and language that would give the employer the ability to recall fully remote teleworkers back to campus with 28 days’ notice.

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Bargaining Update: April 12

Today was an emotional day for our bargaining team. Our proposals today focused on protecting our members from the toxic OHSU culture that was well documented in the Covington report and providing a safety net for members around bereavement and caring for family members.

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