Playing On Your Pain: A Phishing Expedition

On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 12, OHSU sent a fake phishing-exercise email to the OHSU community announcing a new OHSU COVID-19 support program that would provide up to $7,500 in assistance to employees experiencing financial hardship as a result of the pandemic. One has to wonder if waging psychological warfare on your own employees is the best way to educate them on cybersecurity.

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Parking and Inequality

We hope that the management bargaining team will reconsider our proposal to bolster the gathering of employee demographics that would help track patterns of discrimination, inequitable discipline and more, and that they will recognize what a benefit our transportation-assistance proposal will be to our members. Our union believes that it is crucial for OHSU to finally address the inequities at the workplace.

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The Reality of Patient Care and Meal Breaks

Management seems to think “If employees just tell their managers when the schedule goes awry or just take their breaks when told to do so, there won’t be a problem.” We know that this isn’t how it plays out in reality. If we’re in the middle of a conversation with an upset patient, we can’t say “Hang on, I need to let my supervisor know I’m about to miss my rest break.” If a provider asks for our immediate assistance with an urgent need, we can’t say “I’ll get to this in 30 minutes, after my meal break.” Even if we could do this without facing discipline, none of us wants to leave our patients, coworkers or providers in the lurch.

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