Two Important Free Training Opportunities

2022 Oregon AFSCME Summit: Oregon AFSCME Council 75 is hosting a free leadership summit (both in-person and virtual) from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 14. Attendees will hear about local union wins and issues, connect with members from other unions and learn how to bargain strong contracts and move coworkers to action. This is a great opportunity for networking and skill-building. Download the flyer to access the registration QR code, or click here to register.

Adult Mental-Health First-Aid Training: The AFSCME/OHSU labor management committee is excited to share a certification opportunity for our members: mental-health first-aid certification. This free course, with sessions in May and June, will teach you how to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental-health and substance-use challenges. Download the flyer for complete details. Register by logging into Compass and searching for “mental health first aid.”

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