Beware of OHSU Spin

OHSU leadership knows that in order to keep its labor costs as low as possible, it must win the information campaign during negotiations. This kind of win requires you to feel complacent, defeated, hopeless or apathetic, so be prepared if the employer’s communications make you feel this way.

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Ross Grami Comment
Direct Action Gets the Goods for Graduate Researchers’ Health Insurance

Perhaps the most urgent issue Graduate Researchers United has faced over the last year is maintaining consistent health-insurance coverage for our membership. The direct action of our members — their willingness to step up — has produced more movement on fixing this issue than we’ve been able to generate in a year of meetings with OHSU. The power of collective action within the membership of one union is only strengthened when unions act in solidarity with each other.

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Local 328 Comments
Richmond Rally Follow-up

“The employer should understand we did not get to this point due to a lack of conversation or discussion. Our actions and list of demands are in fact the result of over a year of discussions, reports, committees, foot-dragging and continued harmful behavior on the part of the employer and managerial staff at the Richmond Clinic.”

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