Posts in Working at OHSU
COVID-19 Agreement Reached

This LOA includes temporary expanded telework options, review of vacation-accrual caps, a temporary moratorium on discipline for sick time for coronavirus illness or for absences due to circumstances beyond employee control, paid administrative leave for the quarantine period, protections for employees who are unable to use FMLA/OFLA and reasonable notice for staff redeployment.

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COVID-19 Update #2

While we don’t yet have a signed LOA, at the time of this writing we agree on the majority of issues and at this point are working on finalizing the specifics on a few others. As soon as an agreement is reached, the LOA will be sent to our executive board for expedited review and approval.

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COVID-19 Update #1

As governments and companies across the globe have taken steps to deal with its impacts, our union has also been looking at steps to take to protect our members. On Monday, March 9, Local 328 leadership met with OHSU HR leadership and proposed a new letter of agreement to help protect employees.

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Pushing Back Against Harassment and Discrimination

Last month, the Lund Report published an article on the results of OHSU's climate survey, which indicated that OHSU has a problem with harassment and discrimination, as do many other health-care organizations. Local 328 is developing a training program for our stewards to enable them to handle sensitive cases for members dealing with abuse, discrimination and harassment.

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