Posts in Political Action
This Year Is a Year When You Should Vote

Disillusionment. Disenfranchisement. Lack of real change. Frustration. Feeling like the system is rigged. In a normal year, many could list more reasons not to vote than to vote. No doubt, some of you who have never voted or rarely vote could name more. 2020 is not a normal year. We are am asking you to consider, in this topsy-turvy timeline, what your vote could mean.

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A Failure of Leadership

We are nine months into a deadly pandemic. We have seen small businesses closed, schools shuttered and unemployment levels soar due to the actions — and inaction — of the Trump administration. This failure of leadership has cost the lives of almost 222,000 Americans.

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A Union Perspective on the Election

While our international union makes presidential endorsements, and has endorsed former Vice President Biden, Local 328 generally stays out of the fray of national politics; however, so much is at stake with the 2020 election that we can no longer afford do that. As a union, we must fight for a better society and protect our members, and that means we cannot be passive in this moment.

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