Update Regarding Elections for Local 328 Negotiations Team


As you know we held our elections for our 2025 Negotiating Team from 7/08/24 – 7/14/24. Per our Local Elections policy members are allowed to file formal protests up to 10 days after the close of an election. This language is in line with AFSCME International Constitution Appendix D, Section 4.

Upon the close of the election for the 2025 Negotiating Team, we did receive a number of formal protests in writing. It is our charge to determine the validity of the protests. The election team is reviewing these protests. Once our review is complete, the findings will be shared with the membership. It is then up to the membership to determine whether or not the violations affected the outcome of the election and if so, it will be up to the membership to determine whether or not another election should be held.

The Election Committee has 30 days from the date of the filing of the protests (7/14) to complete this review. We do not anticipate this review will take the full 30 days. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email election@local328.org.


In Solidarity,

Claire Irvan, Elections Chair  

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