T-Shirt Design Contest

Hello Union Members!

We're thrilled to announce a contest for designing a tshirt representing our union, Local 328. This is your chance to showcase your talents and creativity, both within and outside of your work roles, while demonstrating our pride in being part of our union.

Why are we doing this? Well, our bargaining year is just around the corner - 2025! It’s time for us to update our tshirts and such, and we’ve had some wonderful designs in the past from our members. We’d like to head into bargaining with a nice fresh look. As well, we planned to give out most of our tshirts during 328 day and AFSCME strong month and we are proud to say we had great success. 

So, here's how it works: Imagine what you'd like to see on a t-shirt representing our Local 328. It could be a phrase, an icon, an element, or something that reflects your role, your community, or the history of labor organizing. Let your creativity shine! Submit your design as a .jpg or .png file. Once submissions close, we'll open it up to all members for voting. The winning design will be ordered and distributed in a limited run of shirts. 

The number of shirts we order will depend on how many of you participate and show interest. Our goal is to provide you with some new swag for your workspace and to show off your union pride. How exciting is that? Your design could be all over the hospital workforce.

If this initiative grows beyond a limited run, we will explore appropriate compensation for the creator or consider running a similar competition before our bargaining in 2025.

Submit your designs to atlarge19@local328.org between May 15th and May 29th for consideration. Let's make our union pride shine through this exciting opportunity!

Solidarity, and looking forward to all of your good ideas.

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