Work Shouldn't Hurt - Protect SACU Workers and Individuals!

The staffing crisis at the Stabilization and Crisis Unit (SACU), a program under the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), has continued to create an unsafe work environment for staff and the individuals they serve, leading to numerous preventable injuries.

SACU has only agreed to pay staffing crisis differentials if vacancy rates are more than 10%, but they are counting what they call “true vacancies”, which only account for unfilled positions. What they are not taking into consideration is that many SACU workers are out for injuries, FMLA, training, investigations, and other leaves, which brings the operating vacancies closer to 25%. This has led to an unprecedented number of injuries due to understaffing.

Employees at the SACU go to work every day to provide top care to some of Oregon’s most vulnerable populations with developmental/intellectual disabilities. Employees at SACU love the work they do and the individuals they serve. Despite the severity of the staffing crisis, SACU and DHS leadership have not appropriately addressed the current staffing crisis.

Support staff and the Stabilization and Crisis Unit by sending a letter to SACU’s leadership to demand that they take the necessary steps to keep workers and individuals safe!

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