President's Message: In Response to OHSU's Strategic Alignment Message

Dear AFSCME Local 328 members,

I am sure many of you have been concerned since reading Dr. Danny Jacobs’ message regarding layoffs yesterday and are unsure of what the future holds. While I am unable to predict the future or assure you that your job will be completely safe, what I can do is remind you of the union difference. 

Being a union-represented employee entitles you to rights and protections you wouldn’t have otherwise. Because our union fights hard with you, we have secured layoff language in our contract that entitles you to more protections, better options, and more control over your future, than you would have without a union.

Local 328 stands unequivocally opposed to any layoffs targeted at our workers. At a time when OHSU:

And while OHSU is paying out all this money, they’re planning to not fully fund our health benefits and laying off workers

No matter what, your union will be there to help answer your questions. You can find details regarding layoff protections in our contract under Article 19. If you have further questions, please reach out to your union steward or submit your question directly to your union. In the coming days we will post your questions and answers to a Layoff Q&A page on our website and have a user-friendly guide to navigating Article 19.

As more information becomes available, we will also be scheduling town halls – so be on the lookout! Don’t forget – OHSU has chosen to take this plan of action. If you have any questions about what is happening in your department, do not hesitate to reach out to your manager to ask questions about their proposed budget for next year, and you can also reach out to top leadership to let them know your thoughts and concerns.

In solidarity,


Jennie Olson - President, AFSCME Local 328