Plaintiff’s Statement re: OHSU Lawsuit

"OHSU’s President, Danny Jacobs, and its Vice President, Connie Seeley, issued public statements to reassure the OHSU community they ‘hear you’ but they want to silence me and all other survivors. While they were releasing public statements of transparency, OHSU’s team of lawyers filed a motion in federal court to SILENCE me and in turn silence all survivors.

Meaningless public statements of ‘turning words into action’ have been the gaslighting I have been the recipient of for the last four years of my life at the hands of OHSU leadership. Surviving sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, threats to myself and my child and in turn severe retaliation from OHSU leadership has fundamentally altered me. The isolation I have felt the last four years has somewhat lifted in the last few weeks with the outpouring of support for myself and other survivors. With this support and the very brave survivors that have recently come forward, we have made small steps toward healing -- in the open -- where we belong. OHSU is trying to take that from us.

Per OHSU’s effort to ‘get us on a path toward healing,’ they simultaneously filed court documents disparaging me and discounting four years of trauma and retaliation I have faced at the hands of OHSU.”

On March 11, the plaintiff in the current sexual-harassment lawsuit against OHSU released a statement to The Lund Report in response to OHSU’s statements about the case. We encourage you to read her statement in full, here.

AFSCME Local 328 stands with the plaintiff in this case and with all survivors of sexual harassment and assault.

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