Get to Know Our Bargaining Team!

The members of our 2022 bargaining team were announced previously, but we wanted to give you a chance to get to know us better as contract negotiations draw closer, by sharing what our bargaining priorities are:

  • Michael Stewart (chief spokesperson)/OHSU Job: Medical Assistant 1

    • Strong across-the-board raises that acknowledge the incredible work we have done for our community over the past two years, what we have endured while doing it and that we have earned the right to expect more than just enough to get by. 

  •  Jennifer Barker/OHSU Job: Finance and Accounting Analyst 1

    • Historic across-the-board wage increases that will help our members do more than just get by; putting out informative and engaging communications to help our members understand the bargaining process and their importance in getting us a great contract.

  • Kevin Cartwright/OHSU Job: Landscape Technician

    • Increasing our vacation and sick time, in order to create a better work/life balance — having adequate time to spend with family and friends, as well as enough time to manage health-related concerns. Large across-the-board pay increases, as well as other improvements to increase retention and ensure equitable pay.

  • Sarah Curtis/OHSU Job: Managed Care Coordinator

    • My bargaining priorities are fair wage increases, affordable health care and supporting diversity. Our members have given our all the past few years and it’s time for OHSU to give us the respect we deserve.

  • Katy Holmes/OHSU Job: Pharmacy Technician 3 

    • Safety and employee retention. I want our bargaining unit to feel safe and financially secure while working at OHSU so that we keep the fantastic talent we have while being competitive for the recruitment of new employees. 

  • Claire Irvan (advisor)/OHSU Job: Program Technician 1

    • Wages. This could be by the way of cost-of-living increases, but could also be by the way of a combination of COLA and step increases.

  • Aaron Kawamoto (advisor)/OHSU Job: IONM Specialist 2

    • To bring the unrelenting momentum of all of the local and national unions right here to Marquam Hill, where it will continue to grow for decades. #strongertogether

  • Roxana Logsdon/OHSU Job: PAS Specialist

    • #1: to see our members receive a well-deserved increase across the board that shows us OHSU appreciates the hard work our members do. #2: to see those members who work at home get some compensation for the cost of internet, electricity and space our home offices use.

  • Jesse Miller/OHSU Job: PAS Specialist

    • Over the last three years we’ve faced a global pandemic, wildfires that forced members to abandon their homes, extreme weather events that knocked out power in the winter and melted MAX lines in the summer and the findings of the Covington report. I want our contract to better protect our members from the things OHSU can’t prevent as well as the things OHSU won't prevent.

  • Jennie Olson/OHSU Job: Grants and Contracts Administrator

    • My bargaining priority is to secure paid bereavement leave for our members. For many of our members, when a family member passes away there are very real hardships, both financial and time-based. Paid bereavement leave would give our members the much-deserved time and financial support they need to grieve appropriately and move forward with the necessary tasks that survivors are responsible for.

  • Casey Parr/OHSU Job: Respiratory Care Practitioner 2

    • No take-backs, and better differentials!

  • Lia Sebring/OHSU Job: Project Coordinator

    • My intention is to secure a contract that honors our members’ wishes that were outlined in our bargaining survey: wages that allow us to thrive, no take backs on insurance, etc.

  • Karyn Trivette/OHSU Job: Physical Therapist

    • RESPECT. My priority is to ensure language in the contract that encompasses our members’ worth as employees of OHSU and as humans of this community.  

  • Haley Wolford Davis/OHSU Job: Veterinary Research/Health Technician 3

    • A fair across-the-board increase; making sure that the contract works for, and takes into consideration, all members of our bargaining unit — especially at locations like the West Campus. 

  • Kasey Zimmer-Stucky/OHSU Job: Ultrasound Technologist

    • My priority is to pick up where we left off with our last contract and increase differentials. I’d love to see OHSU provide us with paid family leave and outstanding yearly wage increases. 

  • Kate Baker/Oregon AFSCME Council 75 Staff Representative

    • My priority is employee relief: Local 328 members have worked tirelessly over the last several years and deserve financial relief and emotional relief.

  • Sima Anekonda/Oregon AFSCME Council 75 Staff Representative

    • My priority is equity for BIPOC workers.

Our team will work hard to ensure that our union’s members have a strong contract to protect us, no matter what may lie ahead. Our members themselves, however, are instrumental in helping us achieve that. What are YOUR priorities for bargaining? Let us know that you’re engaged and stand with the bargaining team by leaving a comment here on the blog. 

Please read our commenting guidelines here.

Below is a screenshot taken during our final bargaining work day, during which we worked on the proposed changes to our contract that we’ll be presenting to OHSU this week. (not pictured: Sima Anekonda, Claire Irvan, Roxana Logsdon)