Local 328 Dues Cap Vote Information

Hello Union Siblings!

Some of you may have already received the notice, but there will be a vote taking place to pass a constitutional amendment which would adjust our current dues cap. More detailed information has been made available on our website including the specific resolution to be voted on located here:


There will also be two town halls made available to provide information and where questions can be asked. The link for the virtual town hall will be provided shortly and a reminder emailed out as well. The town hall dates and times are as such:

In person: Wednesday March 5th, 4-6pm - OHSU Marquam Hill BICC Gallery

Virtual: Thursday March 6th, 12-1pm

The vote for the change will take place from Marth 12th - 14th. If you have questions you would like to ask in advance of the town halls, or if there is information you would like that is not available on the dues vote page please send an email to the dues cap committee Chair Tabatha Millican at: atlarge8@local328.com

The questions will be added to an FAQ sheet that will be updated on to our website.

For Bread and Roses

-Sean Bovett, ICC Chair

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