June 30 INVEST IN US Rally

Our bargaining rally is coming up! Join your coworkers for all or part of this family-friendly event. Make your voice heard! This rally will be the best tool we have, short of a strike, to show OHSU the strength of our demands for a good contract. A large turnout is essential to sending a clear message to OHSU that our members stand together and that it’s time for the employer to make a real and lasting investment in us. Please share the flyer with your coworkers (non-AFSCME folks are welcome) and help us get a great turnout!

Rally Details

  • When: Thursday, June 30, 4 – 6 p.m.

  • Where: Mac Hall lawn

We will have union swag, games for the kids and food prior to the speakers starting at 5 p.m. We’ll conclude the rally by marching in front of the hospital at 5:30 p.m. to show OHSU what a strike could look like

We're expecting support from numerous other unions and from our non-AFSCME coworkers. We will have lots of chairs available, but due to the potentially high turnout, we recommend bringing a blanket for the lawn. We strongly encourage attendees to take public transportation to the rally.

Rally Etiquette

We want to be crystal clear — this event is a rally, not a picket. Please do not bring picket signs to the event. Any activity that resembles an informational picket could have legal implications that would hamper our union’s ability to escalate our actions if needed in the weeks ahead. Please don’t do anything that disrupts or otherwise impairs patient care or patient access to OHSU facilities and please do not place stickers on OHSU proper or otherwise damage OHSU property.

We can’t wait to see you all at the rally!