Join Our Union's Executive Board!

When I was first appointed to the Local 328 executive board, all I had to guide me was a position description and a simple budget with seven line items. I had never observed a board meeting before I joined, and didn’t know much about how the board worked (which is part of the reason I created Local 328’s first annual report).

It is actually not uncommon for members to join our union’s board with little first-hand knowledge or experience. A few months ago, a small group of board members decided that it was time for our union to have an onboarding handbook. We designed the handbook to include information to help new board members get up and running in their roles as soon as possible. The handbook reviews the structure of our board and its committees and, most importantly, procedures. An onboarding committee will update the handbook before every election. 

Local 328 executive-board terms run for two years — while our next board election won’t be held until Sept. 2023, some positions turn over and seats become available between elections. If there is ever a vacancy on the board, anyone who has been a dues-paying member in good standing for at least one year may ask to be appointed to that position.

We currently have board vacancies (several at-large positions and one trustee position) that we’d love to fill; we also have an upcoming vacancy for the position of vice president. If you’re interested in one of these positions, you can read the position descriptions (see page 2 of this PDF for vice president and pages 8 and 9 of this PDF for the other positions) and even read the onboarding handbook in advance. If you’d like to observe a board meeting or ask to be appointed to one of the vacant positions, please email the Local 328 president — our next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022. If you have general questions prior to taking this step, please email

TJ AcenaComment