AFSCME International Convention Election Nominees & Statements

The following are statements for the 2024 AFSCME International Union (IU) Convention. This is to vote for delegates for AFSCME International Union Convention August 10-16 2024 in Los Angeles. There are 9 available delegate spots. Choose your 9 preferred candidates out of 16 total candidates. Go to the Local 328 Hub to vote.

The nominees are:

  1. Christine Murray

  2. Arrison Warner

  3. Trisha Crabb

  4. Kyndra White

  5. Sarah Curtis

  6. CG Brothers

  7. Theresia Lloyd-Siemer

  8. Allison Milian

  9. Brianna O'Loughlin

  10. Jesse Miller

  11. Derek Wallace

  12. Melissa Beavers

  13. Evan Bowman

  14. Brenda Marin

  15. John Trammell

  16. Mark Chapman

Nominees 1 through 12 above have submitted statements for their nominations, which are as follows.

Christine Murray

I am excited to be nominated as a possible representative for OHSU at the AFSCME International Convention 2024. My career at OHSU began at the switchboard, and I am now an Epic Analyst. Today, it is tough for workers to find a stable career, but I have created such a career at OHSU due to the support and protection of my union. I have risen professionally based on my abilities because I am a member of a robust union.

I value the voice our union gives us. I have participated on a labor-management committee, bringing workers' concerns about unfair treatment to management. Because of the AFSCME Career Center and scholarship program, I have grown my skills and gained knowledge, making me more flexible and secure in my job.

I have volunteered to staff union activities and utilized labor education opportunities offered by AFSCME, including attending labor retreats and the SIUW week-long training for union women in 2020. I have also walked picket lines for AFSCME, ONA, and OEA.

My dedication to our union is unwavering. Working people only win when we stick together. Unions give us a voice and prevent management from treating us like disposable resources. The AFSCME International Convention is critical to protecting our voice on a state and national level. Coordinating with other members worldwide will strengthen us in the face of the coming challenges at OHSU and nationally. I would be honored to represent AFSCME 328 at the International Convention as we build that strength.

Arrison Warner

My name is Arrison J. Warner, and I am honored to run for the AFSCME International Convention Delegation. As a member of our union, I serve as a Lead Steward and as an executive board member, in the role of community liaison. If elected this would be my second time as a delegate as I attend the 2023 State AFSCME convention on behalf of our local. My goals for this convention would be to first learn from our fellow AFSCME siblings across the

country on how to best organize in the face of the challenging time we face as a local and to work to ensure that our International Union will focus on the task of aggressive organizing new workers during this time of labor activity and approval.

Trisha Crabb

Hi, My name is Trisha Crabb and I am running for International Convention Delegate. 

I’ve started to hear, once again, a lot of “the union’s politics aren’t MY politics” and “no global politics, only direct member related talk” chatter. I’m running for delegate because I desperately hope that I can learn how to change that for us.

AFSCME Local 328 members, all 8,850+ of us exist inside the confusing roundabout of a crumbling private sector/public sector research system and a crumbling public education system and a crumbling public but needs to be profitable healthcare system.  All of us come to work every day to provide labor to the people we serve directly. We also must serve the system that is not only reeling from external forces - but actively harming us with poor leadership while we strive to carry it on our backs. 

When we build strong interconnected systems that include everyone - even at the expense of the protected privileged few - we make the entire system stronger.  We need to be engaged in building that system to survive and thrive inside of.  Pretending it isn’t our responsibility to do that work isn’t being authentic in the work. I want to be authentic in the work - when it is me that needs to be worked on. When it is those systems that I live and work in need to be worked on,

when my community and chosen family needs me to be engaging in the work.

Kyndra White

As someone who is part of the LGBTQIA+ community I know representation is a huge deal to us all.  Now more than ever in the world that is tearing all workers down I want to support the membership locally as well as the upcoming convention. I have served as a steward and during the last contract ratification vote. As a member I try to be the best representation of membership as I can. I encourage others to join committees and have helped several people make the decision to become a dues paying member. Co-workers have always turned to me to

get union news and information regarding different issues professionally. I love being a part of the union and would be truly honored to represent you all at the convention.  I have looked at several of the workshops and as someone who is also applying to the executive board it will help to continue to help mold me into the best union representative for you; that I can be. Below please see the workshops I want to attend and feel will help me help us all:

  • Negotiating to Build our Union

  • Popular economics: An Economy that works for all

  • You Can’t Do It Alone! Recruiting Activists to Build Stronger Locals

  • Exploring and Advancing Gender Identity and Gender Justice

  • Navigating Social Identities for Effect Engagement

  • Solving Workplace Issues with Collective Action

  • Rethinking Our Workplaces — Building Member Engagement in a Telework World

  • Protect Pensions, Social Security and Medicare by Staying Union Strong in Retirement

Sarah Curtis

In my role as Chief Steward, I feel the everyday struggles of our members firsthand. I represent our members in matters of discipline, discrimination, enforcing the contract, and help connect them to resources for support. I want to use the training offered at the convention to share with our entire steward program, to better the lives of our members. Our members are suffering the effects of years of understaffing, mandatory overtime, the pandemic, and trying to cope with the cost of living in the community they serve. In 2022, I was honored to share the experiences of one of our members to thousands of international delegates in support of a resolution for safe staffing of our hospitals. I want to continue to elevate the voices of our members and fight for their wellbeing from the halls of the hospital to the stage of the international convention.

I have represented our local at the international, state, and AFL-CIO conventions. I’m asking for your vote to attend the international convention because I want to represent our interests in AFSCME’s national priorities for the next two years. I spend a great amount of time and energy building our local’s power within our community, state, region, and nationally. The international convention is vital to creating a network of solidarity that amplifies our voice. We share the common fight for fair wages, safe working conditions, a workplace free from discrimination and harassment, and more. I would appreciate your support in continuing this important work.

CG Brothers

I’m CG Brothers and I’m running for International Convention Delegate.I got involved with AFSCME for the same reason a lot of us get started. My work unit’s Management wasn’t worried about the harm being done to employees. I started asking questions and reading the contract and standing up for myself. I started emailing member leaders and asking more of them. They rose to the occasion and later suggested I become a steward.
Now I’m the Lead Grievance Steward and I work to ensure all of our members are being treated with the dignity and respect our contract requires. I spend my steward hours arguing with Labor Relations and telling Managers to respect our contract. When I’m not doing that I’m teaching our new stewards what the grievance process is about and training them to take cases defending our members. 
I want the opportunity to go to the International Convention to keep learning. I want to keep growing a community to solve the challenges from a person-first lens. I believe we’re strongest when we stand up for each other. I missed the chance to attend the state convention last fall due to COVID. As an IU delegate, I’m excited to attend workshops that can help me help our members. I want to focus on how to become a better representative for each of you. And then I want to bring those skills back and teach our stewards. As your delegate, I will learn, share, and grow for our local.

Theresia Lloyd-Siemer

Hello my Union family of Local 328

I’m running for one of the delegates for this year’s IU Convention. Taking place in LA. I’m asking for your vote. I have in the last 25.5 after signing my union card Nov.13,1998 have dedicated myself to our local and our council; as a steward, Exe. Board member of our local [holding at least 6 different positions]. As a founding member of the Womens Committee now Caucus. Focusing on Womens Health and things that deal with our women as individuals. And as a trustee for Council 75.

I’m asking for you to send me as one of the delegates ,as this is the last IU Convention that I will be going as a member of local 328’s union family.

It has been a privilege to serve our local and council.

Thank you,

Theresia Lloyd-Siemer

Allison Milian

Community is at the center of radical success. While I began my role as steward for Richmond Family Medicine recently, I have years of experience as a community organizer in my personal life for groups like BikePOC, where we organize cycling events for Black and Indigenous people of color, and CODECA Youth, a group composed of diasporic Guatemalans who participate in educating the public on Central American affairs and fundraising aid for various needs. I was eager to fill the steward vacancy for my workplace because it meant I could work on directly

empowering and supporting those around me. The concept of "togetherness" is very close to my heart; I believe that caring for the wellbeing of all is paramount to the interests of anyone who is representing our union. I would keep this in mind as a representative for Local 328 at the International Convention. Engaging with others is my preferred way of learning--the convention offers a great opportunity to see what union sibling across the country are doing differently than us. I want all of us to benefit from this and would aim to document and share any questions or comments fellow union members have so that all of our voices are heard at this event.

Brianna O'Loughlin

Hi! My name is Brianna O’Loughlin and I am running for AFSCME International Convention Delegate.

As a third generation union member, I hold a deep commitment to union values and I am eager to represent our collective voice at the international level. By attending the International Convention, I will be better equipped with the knowledge, connections, and inspiration necessary to enhance my effectiveness as a leader and advocate for our union.

As lead steward, I have diligently advocated for our rights in the workplace, ensuring fair treatment and resolving disputes effectively. Serving on the executive board has provided me with invaluable insights into strategic planning and policy-making that directly impact our membership. Attending the International Convention is the next step in furthering my commitment to our local and our membership.

If elected as your delegate, I will prioritize strengthening our union's presence at OHSU and advancing the interests of our membership. I will work tirelessly to promote fair wages, safe working conditions, and equitable treatment for all represented employees. 

My leadership is grounded in transparency, inclusivity, and a steadfast dedication to solidarity. I am committed to fostering meaningful connections and amplifying our union's impact here at home.

I humbly ask for your support in this election. Together, we can build upon our achievements and forge a future where every member thrives. Thank you for your consideration.

Jesse Miller

I’m Jesse Miller and I have been a Patient Access Specialist in Outpatient Rehab Services for more than 7 years. I’m currently a lead steward, I have previously served on the executive board as an at-large member and as the Internal Communication Chair, and I’m still active on the communications committee. In 2019 I helped expose the members of management’s bargaining team that were trolling our union on social media. In 2022 I was the primary author of our contract language protecting members from harassment, discrimination, and violence in the workplace, pushed for paid bereavement leave, and the public emergency language that lets members use their accruals in the event of a wildfire or other disaster.

I’m running to be a member of our delegation to the IU convention so I can connect with our AFSCME siblings from across the country to share what we’ve done with them and hear what they’re doing to make their workplaces and communities safer. I will bring home these practical solutions to help prepare us for what is certain to be a difficult bargaining campaign in 2025.

Derek Wallace

My name is Derek Wallace and I have been a Personal Trainer at OHSU's March Wellness Center since 2022.  I am the first union steward for my department, and I currently sit on the executive board as an At-large Member.

Since starting my employment at OHSU, I have been advocating for my coworkers by updating an out-of-date Lease of Agreement that prevents us from getting the benefits that most other OHSU workers get through the contract. I have also been helping organize the Local's membership and keep the numbers strong for the bargaining unit.

If chosen for the IU convention, I would be honored to serve the Local and make sure new information is presented to better the working conditions for those at OHSU.

Melissa Beavers

Though I've been a member of Local 328 and an OHSU worker for only two years, this union has quickly become like family to me. I am inspired every day by the dedicated work our members do on the ground. From member leaders organizing their work units against oppressive bosses to our Executive Board guiding the larger-scale operations of the local, we fight together daily to maintain the strength and organization of our union.

If chosen as one of our International Convention delegates, I would use my vote to support union policies that elevate more rank-and-file members to high-level elected positions. Currently, out of the 35 Regional VPs comprising our union's highest governing body, only two come directly from our grassroots membership.

Our members should lead at every level of our union – from unit stewards to the International President. A union governed by its members not only ensures decisions reflect the broader membership's will, but it also creates a more bold and visionary union capable of taking on ambitious goals.