Important Announcement re: Our ATBs

Ed. Note: Our union was informed by OHSU in the late afternoon on Thursday, Nov. 10, that there was a misunderstanding in its application of the across-the-board increases. The employer worked quickly to correct the issue and contacted the affected employees. The pay for said employees was corrected going forward, and they received a retro payment (listed as “Retro Regular Pay” on their pay stub) in their Nov. 25 paycheck to make up the difference from the error.

Over the past few days, several members contacted our union to inform us that Oracle Self-Service indicated they would being receiving less than the 7% across-the-board raise stipulated in our 2022 – 2025 contract. Let us be clear: our union did not negotiate raises “up to 7%.” We negotiated, and our members voted for, 7% — period.

We immediately reached out to Labor Relations in an attempt to correct what we thought to be an error on the part of the employer. Frustratingly, OHSU is taking the position that if the contractual 7% raise would put an employee over the top of the range for their classification, they won’t receive the full amount of the raise we agreed to. (Note: This may not be being applied consistently.)

Needless to say, we disagree with OHSU’s position in the strongest possible terms and will take every possible action available to us to remedy this situation and ensure that our members receive the full 7% raises they deserve, earned and fought for. As a first step, we filed a Step 1 grievance with Labor Relations today.

While our union had no part in this decision and no knowledge of it beforehand, we’re sorry for any distress or hardship this action by OHSU will cause to our represented employees.

Please check this week’s paystub carefully and email or call (844-758-6466) our Oregon AFSCME SMART Center if you didn’t receive the full 7% ATB increase. We’ll provide updates on this matter as soon as we have them.

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