I'm a Remote Worker -- Can I Strike?

Absolutely — if you work remotely, you can definitely strike, no matter where your home base is! Even if you live too far away to come to OHSU to walk the picket line, you can and should withhold your labor during a strike.

Here are some suggestions for how remote workers can participate in a strike: 

  1. Most importantly, don't work! Don't log in, don't check your emails and don’t answer calls.

  2. Update your out-of-office email message and Teams status to "On Strike."

  3. Change your Teams profile photo to a strike image, such as the strike snake.

  4. If you are with commuting distance to the Portland metro area, come join us on the a picket line. We’ll have pickets on the hill, at the waterfront and at satellite clinics.

  5. Encourage your coworkers to stand strong. The more united we are in striking, the more powerful our voices are.

  6. Comment here on our blog and on Local 328 or OHSU social-media posts. We know the OHSU team reads our blog comments.

  7. Email photos of yourself striking (whether it's on the picket line or from your couch) for us to share on social media.

  8. Monitor your text messages for updates from Local 328. We will also notify folks by text when the strike is called off.

Remote workers represent about a third of our bargaining unit. Your work is important, and your absence during a strike will put pressure on OHSU to come to an agreement. Please show your solidarity and join us!

Our strike vote is open through 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 25. You may cast your vote here during the voting period.

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