Higher Education For All!

As part of Higher Education Labor United (HELU), Local 328 is excited to announce the launch of Higher Ed for All!, a new national campaign for rebuilding this country’s higher education system for all who learn, teach, work, contribute to and benefit from colleges and universities. Higher Ed for All! Is bringing together HELU’s national partners including the Debt Collective, Progressive Democrats of America, Young Invincibles, and many more to begin a year of popular education about what it means to fight for the higher education system we need. 

Our first hybrid event will be held on April 20, 2023 at 12:00 PM, both in-person at Portland State University and online on Zoom. Activists, students, and educators will come together to chart a path to free public higher education for everyone. 

Please join our discussion by registering here and share broadly with your networks.

U.S. higher education needs to be restructured as a public good in the public interest. Democracy depends on making education available to all. Costs for attending college are too high, while the quality of that education deteriorates under austerity. Many higher ed workers earn well below a living wage, while unaccountable administrations continually shift work onto low-paid contract workers. Colleges and universities need to be fully funded as truly public goods. We need to come together to make this possible. Please join us on April 20

If you have any questions about this event, or want to learn more about HELU please reach out to TJ Acena diversity@local328.org.

TJ AcenaComment