Hidden Cameras, Open Secrets

In a revelation that strikes at the very core of institutional integrity, a recent Oregonian article has exposed troubling findings from an OHSU internal investigation conducted last year. Dr. Daniel Marks, a senior doctor at OHSU, was found to have engaged in predatory behavior toward his students, specifically taking secret pictures of women during class.

Marks, a senior associate dean for research and professor of pediatrics, was found to have secretly photographed women at least twice in 2022, with allegations dating back to July of that year. With a career at OHSU spanning almost 26 years and an annual salary of $467,015, his actions went unchecked for an extended period. His resignation on November 3rd, 2023, came a significant 16 months after the initial act of misconduct was committed.

Most of our members will remember last year's controversial President's ‘recognition’ bonuses — a fiasco that also landed OHSU in the Oregonian’s headlines. As part of this bonus program, OHSU gave Marks a parting gift of around $46,000, despite being fully aware of the disturbing allegations surrounding him. The lesson here seems to be that OHSU does take care of their people, just as they claim — as long as you're a high-paid member of their top circles.

Meanwhile, OHSU has disciplined us regular workers for such minor offenses as getting our parking validated. It seems our executives would sooner fire one of us for the so-called crime of parking at work than discipline one of their half-million-dollar doctors for engaging in predatory behavior toward women.

To make matters worse, this Oregonian article published in early January was the first many OHSU workers and students had heard of this investigation. This comes despite their internal investigation having finished months earlier and having concluded that Marks had indeed taken inappropriate pictures of students without their consent, according to the Oregonian.

So, not only did OHSU fail to terminate or discipline Marks, but it also appears as though they never intended to inform us about this incident — at least not in a timely or useful manner. So much for all the ‘transparency’ our leadership prides themselves on.

For the thousands of union members at OHSU, the lesson here is one that our employer’s leadership reinforces time and time again: despite all their talk of building safety and promising accountability, OHSU leaders will always prioritize protecting each other and the institution's reputation over the wellbeing of their workers and students.

This disturbing lack of regard for worker and student safety is a substantial reason why more and more of us here at OHSU are recognizing the imperative to unionize. With the recently announced union drive among our advanced practitioners, there are now at least six unions at the Health and Science University collaborating to protect, empower, and mobilize those who work and learn here.

In the face of such flagrant disregard by our bosses, the solidarity and support offered by a union of our fellow workers becomes not just beneficial, but essential. OHSU may not care if one of their top dogs is a predator, but your fellow workers sure as hell do.

In solidarity,

Missy Beavers

AFSCME Local 328

Internal Communications Chair

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In light of this unsettling news, I’d like to provide some helpful contacts and resources available to members of AFSCME Local 328, should you or a fellow worker need support on the job, or if you’d like to get more active in your union:

For general information & questions, or to initiate a grievance: https://www.msc.oregonafscme.org/

Key member-leader information– these folks are your fellow OHSU workers in addition to their union positions:

To join AFSCME Local 328: https://www.local328.org/join

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